The Epic Assistant, Natalie, grew up in unique circumstances – in a “culty” environment as she puts it, where she learned to can, preserve, garden, and prep. Here in her home in San Diego, she’s growing in 100+ containers in her backyard and producing a TON of food for herself.
0:00 – Intro
0:57 – Rubbermaid Totes
3:29 – Growing Up in a Cult
3:49 – Warm Containers
7:37 – Cool Containers
9:21 – Air Pot
10:56 – Back Zone
12:36 – Seed Starting
14:04 – Patio Zone
14:56 – Budget & Planning
15:37 – Rabbit Stew
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What do you think of Natalie's garden?
This was inspiring.
Making the best of a bad situation… Natalie is a gem. As much as I'm not a big fan of cults, there can always be silver lining, Natalie is proof of this. I wish her the best in the future.
Great video
Tong besi aku akan gunakan untukk membakar sampah.
Akibat penggunaan tong besi sebagai pot. Mengakibatkan bau ee yang menyengat.
Aku baru saja. Mengkastarisasi bungaku.
Aku sedih aku dulu nggak ikut praktikum kastarisasi. Aku ketinggalan kereta.
Aku juga ingin menanam kangkung dan daun bawang di pot yang panjang.
Is that what I think it is at 5:29?
Topinya very beautifull. I love topinya.
Aku suka planter bag yang berlubang. Untuk menanam kentang
Oke… aku akan beli bunganya.
Kirimkan ke rumah. Bu menkoperekonomian yang membayarkannya. Lol.
I love purple
Aku pesan lavenda, mawar semuanya.
Aku mawar mejikuhibiniu
(Merah, jingga, kuning, hijau, biru, nila, ungu)
Aku pesan dua.
Satu untuk temanku yang mengajariku nama-nama warna pelangi.
Aku mau sun flowernya juga.
Bibitnya ukuran kecil ya…
Bu menteri perekonomian dikasih juga ya…
I'm a dusty miller gardener too!
Really appreciate what Natalie shared about her container garden. Might need to rewatch the show a couple more times to fully understand all the details. Thank you!
Lost me at the rabbit part (kinda kidding, kinda not, sorry I'm vegetarian lol), but wow she's so cool. Loved her garden!
I got my start in container gardening so I love this particular tour. But also, pretty badass she’s like … NBD about the cult thing lol. Respect
Nice garden! I think all of the Epic family should do the apocalypse survival challenge. That would be Epic!!
5:29 anyone?
Awesome video. Love both of you. thanks!
I would love to learn more about meat rabbits. If I had the space I would keep some. I would love to have been along to see your meat rabbit experience you mentioned.
I love your videos Kevin. I wish I could get some of your items in South Africa. Thx for sharing. Sharon from South Africa
Using strawberry containers to propagate plants is such a big brain move, I can't wait to try it!
I love how you are showcasing gardens on different budgets. Thank you.
I love her garden! Inspired by Epic Gardening and Jacques I have added a few flowers to the garden this year and I was so busy I had no time to label my plants so thinking I was planting sunflowers (I learned which ones to use from Epic Gardening) here and there, I planted some funny kind of tomatoes instead. (Seeds were a gift from a friend). Interplanting by coincidence. Our neighbour now has problems with his beautiful tomato plants being slayed by mole crickets, and trying to google out a solution for him I learned that my somewhat chaotic gardening with flowers all over and different types of plants growing together creates an environment where mole crickets don't want to live.