Intercropping tomatoes is something we advocate because of how much food can be produced in a small space. Give it a try and you will be impressed with how much you can grow!!
VIDEO: Good and Bad Plants to Intercrop Around Tomatoes
Intercropping tomatoes is something we advocate because of how much food can be produced in a small space. Give it a try and you will be impressed with how much you can grow!!
Help please
Our tomato plants are 3-4 feet tall now. I’ve removed lower limbs so foliage doesn’t touch the ground. And I’ve tried to prune suckers out as best I can. @MIGardener please tell me how to remove extra limbs to give airflow higher up in the plant. I don’t want to damage the plants by removing too much. And do I use scissors or plant clippers?
Thank you for all the great content on your channel.
A forecast that doesn't have night time temps in the 30s.
Today and tomorrow the rest of my starts go in.
Does crop rotation fit into this? Ie certain intercrops shouldn't be done every year? Or maybe a reason not to choose some "companions" ever?
This year I planted basil seeds in loose soil in the same beds with tomatoes and carrots in broccoli beds.
I am trellising snap peas with my tomatoes on the same trellis…
My tomatoes and peas are trellised on cattle panel arches. So no worries about the tendrils grabbing the plant and pulling it down…
Sorry Luke you are 100% wrong… saying plants do not communicate…..
Infact plants do communicate… they put off pheromones in the air when damaged to call in predatory insects.. and they also send exudates to the root zone which help then communicate to the mirco biology telling them what typ of nutrients it needs….. and some plant put exudates out as their growing to kill surrounding plants…
It's not communication like we think of but… plants do talk to each other through chemicals and the micro biology. If plants couldn't talk then we wouldn't get electronic signals when hook to those machines that make sound from the electrical signal from the plant..
But last case in point of plants communicating or even waging war with each other is a pecan tree… they release a exudate that helps kill most all surrounding plants so it can have the nutrients and room to grow large.
The point of inter cropping and companion planting is not that they don't communicate (Which they do) but the part you are not apparently understanding is the exudates that go into the root zone which those exudates do effect the other surrounding plants next to that one… like camomile and alfalfa are supposed to help with tricantonal. Which also helps increase flavinoids in the plant….
So it is not about they same hey I know I'm next you so ill help you… it is here are my exudates use them if you need and I'll borrow some of your exudates to help me..(talk asthe plants) certain plants can use minerals and nutrients easier then other plants and after they are uptake by a different plant the exudates it Extrudes can also help make those same minerals and nutrients avaliable to the plant that is struggling to up take them.
You forgot the trifecta plus. Lol
I love your channel please look into mycology plants know that other plants are there they do communicate though mycelium cheers great channel
Hi Luke, very good video, to the point and complete, thanks!
I have basil, onions, alyssum, and radish next to my tomatoes. The next row over is peppers. I also have some cosmos, zinnias, and nasturtium near by as well.
One video I would like to see from you or another garden channel is what you do to prevent getting bites on your legs, etc when gardening. It could be that I have more issues in my garden, but I wasn't sure if you used lemon citronella, deet, etc on your legs, or if you don't spray at all. When I see you sitting with the wood chips I'm always wondering how you don't get bit up. Do you just wash off your legs after or work in garden then shower? I just never see much advice on it. Maybe something to consider for future content. Thanks!
I'm growing squash and zucini along with carrots and halapaino peppers together
I save seed from basil every year and I plant basil under my indeterminate tomatoes. It is a beautiful display and they go well together. I love the smell of fresh basil.
When you single stem tomatoes do you do it before you put the tomatoes into the ground or should I let the tomato grow and get acclimated first so it’s less stress on it??
I keep mine in pots so they can be easily interchangeable or removed from the in ground plants area
Luke, we now know plants actually DO "communicate", especially trees. underground through fungal pathways. But a great deal of so-called "companion planting" is myth and unscientific. Brian Lowell just published a book on the subject, based upon good scientific studies. It explains WHY things that actually work, work.
Parsley and basil also are beneficial to interplant along tomatoes; the herbs and tomatoes enhance each others' vigor.
so… at 8:50 he actually tells you the plants to plant
I grew some tomatoes from seed.
How tall should they be when I transplant them?
Interestingly, I have basil, onions AND marigolds all planted by my tomatoes. They seem to love it!
Could I intercrop bush beans with tomatoes?
I planted bush green beans last year with my tomatoes. It was my first time doing this and I liked it. I think I might put green beans around other empty spots this year too. They don't take much room really and my husband loves green beans.