June 2, 2024

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: This day took it out of me!!

  1. Push broom vs. angled broom: I'd say neither is necessarily better than the other- they just each have their own purpose. Push broom is better for wide open spaces, and angled broom is better for sweeping smaller areas and around stuff like furniture and edges of the room.

  2. great video Becky love how you are so organized, yes so busy both of you but you will reap the rewards I am sure, I think the tension rods would be ideal to prevent your fur babies from dissappearing. xxx

  3. You and Josh are such a team. Congratulations again on acquiring your forever home.I love watching you Becky,especially your cooking videos.They always motivate me to cook and do little bits of meal prepping.
    And oh,Josh is such a sweet soul…
    Much love from Kenya

  4. I don’t know where you find your energy. The carpet staples seemed like such a daunting task. I unfortunately live in the world of unfinished projects, I could use a little of your energy. I agree with Josh, I notice everything that isn’t just right and it drives me crazy. Sadly I don’t find people to hire that have any attention to detail, so I try to do things myself but always have problems finishing. You guys are amazing.

  5. When we pulled up our carpet, my husband used a regular crowbar and ran it across the floor to take out the staples, it was way quicker than me picking them out one by one!

  6. That was a lot of physical labor you did, Becky. No wonder you were tired. You deserve a rest whenever you feel you need to. And who wouldn’t want to sit outside and take in that fabulous view!!! The molding is going to be great. Please pace yourself…Rome wasn’t built in a day. You and Josh have a lifetime now in your forever home. Can’t wait to see more! Best of luck.

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