March 8, 2025

VIDEO: Building a Grocery Store in my Basement!

#AcreHomestead #bulkfoodstorage #prepperpantry
Chicken feeder –
Heavy duty shelves –
Extra Large Water Bottle –

Azure Standard (where I buy my bulk organic food) –

Organic and Biodynamic Wine Club – Use Code NEWMEMBER for $10 off your First Order Riesling Wine I Used with Recipe-

Bulk Food Storage Containers:
Food Grade 5 Gallon Buckets –
Gamma Lids –
X-Large Food Containers with Gamma Lids –
1 Gallon Glass Jars –
1/2 Gallon Glass Jars –

Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –
There is a BOGO 60% off from June 30 – July 5th, 2022 plus if you use the code ACRE
you get an extra $10 off!

Products Mentioned
Dwarf Sunflower Seeds –
Root Bags –
Grow Lights –
Heat Matt –

Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools –
MI Gardener (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF) –
Seeds for Generations –

Roo Apron –

Butcher Box – If you shop through my Butcher Box link you will get 2 lbs of FREE 100% grass-fed, grass-finished ground beef in every order for the life of your membership, plus $10 off the first box!

The Canning Lids I Use | Use Code ACREHOME10 for 10% off –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Electric Presto Pressure Canner –
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —

30-Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book –

Azure Standard –

Redmond Real Salt | Use Code ACRE for 15% off

Organic and Biodynamic Wine Club –

Freeze Dryer –

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

Links are affiliate links, but I will only recommend items I LOVE and use daily with no extra cost to you, and it helps support the channel! Thank you for your support!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Building a Grocery Store in my Basement!

  1. I know it's not what people want to hear but I'm sorry, I honestly don't see the savings in all of this. It works for the Amish because they exclusively farm and have restaurants and sell the produce they grow but for the most part I don't see the point in this. All the time it takes to get the ground ready, pay for fertilizers and water to grow one tomato plant just isn't worth it in the long run. Plus, they always have tomato sauce 2 for 1 on sale at the grocery store. All the canning and pressuring and electric that takes as well seems like a waste to me.

    Again, if you both didn't work and you exclusively only ate what you farmed that would make more sense.. but ALLLL that food and you're still getting takeout is crazy to me. Like you couldn't just boil some noodles and pour some sauce on it? I know this is just constructive criticism and I genuinely feel like more money and effort is going out than necessary. If you're going to buy bulk Azure, bulk meats and go to Costco a bunch of times AND eat take out, I'm just lost in this madness. I see no savings and lots of waste tbh. Just my 2 cents.

  2. I think it’s best to keep your kitchen electronics in that pantry next to the kitchen. If I had a separate spot to put my Kitchen Aid, Air fryer, Instant Pot, juicer, etc, right next to the kitchen instead of on my counters I would be so much happier. Having to go down a flight of stairs would make me want to keep them on my counter.

  3. Definitely put the freezers in the basement, if your garage is not temperature controlled it is a risk to the freezers compressors and can decrease the lifespan of the freezer and if they fail you could lose all of your food.

  4. Love it all, very jealous of your space. From someone who also lives in an earthquake-prone region (we had a 5.5 last night) how are you 'earthquake proofing' your shelving and jars?
    Mine are all screwed into studs and each shelf has straps holding the jars in place.

  5. If I had a basement they wouldn't be in my garage it's just too hot and hard on them opening them in there often. Power ever goes out they will be safer down there. Then when you bring anything in it all goes in at once in one spot. You could also set up a system if you have stairs you could fix it where you load and it lifts up the stairs with say a button on something. What an awesome idea on the kitchen plus supplies can sure be a nightmare to get in or have in store around here anyway* you could make you a vision board, both could for your amazing new home spaces for the both of you. Woooo whoooo* Great ideas you two! You guys are such wine-o's giggles. I love it! lol =) It'll sure last longer down in the basement too. I am so happy for both of you with your new home it seems perfect for both of you too. I know you two are so made for one another and it shows you have a great friendship as well as a happy marriage and work so well together. I think I would however maybe put a Fridge /freezer combo in the garage for holidays as well as bulk things in case you need more room or until you can grab it and head down to the basement if need be? Mine died and let me tell you I never knew hpow much time and money that thing saved me so I went out and got one made for the garage. It's black and you can make it where the door will open on the side of your choice AND it has a foot release in case you have an armload and no help viola step on it with your foot ….it opens right up for you=) It's made by Gladiator. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE IT! Best 1,000 I have ever spent I swear to you. Plus you can catch them on a good sale too. Super happy for you pretty woman=)

  6. We have moved nearly 20 times in our married life and trust me that the most efficient, least stressful way to do it is move some and unpack and then move some more (re: your comment about reusing your boxes and taking stuff over each time you go), IF you have the time.

  7. Your pantry is looking gorgeous! It's so satisfying to see the cabinets get emptied and the new ones get filled. Any kind of shelving like that gives me a ton of anxiety, please reinforce it asap Becky!! I'd hate to see any of your hard work go to waste because of broken shelf! Yes, to having the deep freezers in there, and making it a canning station as well! If you can install a big basin in there or just outside it would be so easy to wash your product as well! As always thank you so much for sharing and taking us on your journey! ❤

  8. I would keep the freezers downstairs also. You’re going to be pulling in with your vehicle and can unload your frozen groceries right there. It will also stay cooler so the freezers don’t have to work as hard. Love the kitchen idea for down stairs also.

  9. Becky I am so grateful You’re being blessed.
    Do you a sink in the basement so when you bring your harvest.
    I would like to tell you it’s a joy to watch you and Joshes relationship. You two deserve every good thing.

  10. I think you'd love making homemade wine. I make my country wine using only fruit/vegetables I grow or forage and add sugar, yeast and water. Absolutely no chemicals and so far have never had a bad batch. The fun part is using produce you would normally not eat such as pea and bean pods and then adding a small quantity of something to compliment, I added gooseberry to pea pods and it's wonderful once it's matured for a year. Elderberry is fabulous as is black currants but my absolute favourite is blackbard a mix of blackberry and rhubarb, bonus strain and use fruit for a second run and get blackbarb rose.

  11. I think it would be a whole lot easier and more convenient to have everything in one area all canning supplies and cooking supplies and processing, and then you just bring up whet ever you need for the meal the freezer meals we are going to cook this week is in the upstairs freezer lefts overs in the fridge some quick snacks in the upstairs pantry but everything meal prep or canning and everything you need for it in one spot no moving dehydrator or freeze dryer etc. Everything is set up all the time you just have to go to the right place. Your husband gets his workshop this is your workshop

  12. Hey there, I cannot tell me how much joy you bring me with your vlogs. I feel like I'm hanging on to see what you do next. I am going out tomorrow to buy more strawberry plants what a haul. To see you and Josh so happy working on your dream home is wonderful. You both work so hard you deserve this and more. Please keep vlogging. Hugs from Northern California.

  13. When it comes to cooking and canning I always say it is best to save time and foot steps I Keep everything in the area where I'm doing the work it saves a lot of frustration. I'd put freezer in the basement and I think it would be fantastic to have the kitchen in the same area

  14. One idea for your future kitchen remodel is to install two dishwashers. It sounds crazy, but as much as you cook and entertain family and friends, it would be very useful. I got this idea from a vacation home my family stayed in. It was so nice to always have an available one–even the kids were good about putting their dirty dishes in them.

  15. I would put the the freezers in the cooler space for sure. For now, I would keep the stainless table upstairs where it's easy access adjacent for use. I really love the idea of a canning kitchen, until then I would make things easy.

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