March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Surprising Josh with a Baby!

#AcreHomestead #pregnancy
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Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
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Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Surprising Josh with a Baby!

  1. Becky and Josh… Congratulations on your new bundle of joy !! I wish you all the best in this new journey !! Thank you very much fir sharing the news with us, and enjoy all the things right now !! Again best wishes to your new and growing family.

  2. Congratulation Becky and Josh. I am so happy for both of you. This baby is going to have a wonderful parents and a beautiful place to live. I wish you safe and beautiful pregnancy. And just remember, I was almost nine months pregnant when my housband and I finally decided on names for both of our boys. So, you will found yours when it's a right time.

  3. BECKY!!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I love babies! Its a girl I'm calling it! hahaha I loved cereal and milk in my first trimester and was sick with my little girl <3 Also so excited for your new home! I love all the homestead things… fingers crossed we'll get ours soon <3
    I have a pre and postnatal fitness channel and I have a postpartum recovery plan I would LOVE to share with you! This will heal your core and pelvic floor after baby!

  4. So thrilled by this news Becky!!!! I’ve been watching you since the start and absolutely love what you share and contribute to this space. It’s a delight to be able to share your exciting adventure. Congratulations to you and Josh. Xx

  5. Omg congratulations! Love you two and now there's gonna be little feet walking around soon! This also means you can do that nursery in your new house! Aaaa so excited for you both

  6. Wooo hoo congratulations to you both. Nausea is a pain but can be eased without the need for chemical intervention natural is best plain toast is good

  7. Yay! If you're excited them we're all excited for you. A couple times you did appear to be overwhelmed and like "omg", and that is normal! It's also OK to be nervous and scared and periodically regretful. A baby changes a relationship dynamic significantly, and it can feel scary. You have a lot on your plate with the house and garden. Take time to process your feelings and please don't feel like you have to perform for us.

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