March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Will Tourism Die?

Are you seeing a downtrend in tourism, shopping and in restaurants in your area?See ya on the farm & thanks for watching! 😊
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Music by Epidemic Sound


26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Will Tourism Die?

  1. Since the skamdemic and the complicit sheeple run businesses that complied with the tyrants we've permanently ceased going to them. In the current economic warfare being done against us we have taken our vacation funds and diverted them 100% to preps and have removed any bucket list item involving travelling anywhere we cannot drive.

    We only patronize local farmers ad business where we can now.

    We feel it's going to get so much worse we will be better off to prepare for the coming economic depression and Weimar style inflation melt down. Better to be sitting on the porch with a mint tea in hand that we grew ourselves while the people using their funds to have a vacay instead of preparing. We are the Ants instead of the grasshopper in Aesop's fables

  2. I live in East Tennessee not too far from Pigeon Forge. I never go there! I don’t go there shopping and I don’t do the tourist stuff! I do love some of the outlet stores in the winter. I think many people are just not traveling right now. People see what is happening and they are conserving what they have.

  3. I live in Wisconsin. We recently took a family trip to the Wisconsin Dells (we just call it the Dells around here). We went fully expected it to be busy busy busy, especially going on a summer weekend. We were shocked that it wasn’t packed. The lines at the amusement park we went to were non-existent apart from the largest attractions, which were still small, considering. We got to ride on so much more than we expected, which was nice!

  4. My husband loves to go to Pigeon and Gatlinburg. I have been avoiding going because of the tourist. Seems like it might be ok to go.

  5. My husband and I went to Gettysburg for an evening, sometime during the week before July 4th. It was almost like we had gone during the off season. There was no trouble with traffic. Very surprising right before a major holiday.

    Stopped at the outlets there, it was a ghost town. Several stores had closed shop before their advertised hours ended. Some of our favorite stores were closed permanently. The stores that were open had very little business. Mentioned to a store employee, in one of the shops, that things were surprisingly quiet. He told me that business is pretty much dead after 5pm. My guess is that business is probably only a little bit better earlier during the day.

  6. We just bought an annual pass to Busch Gardens Tampa. Went on the 5th and it was very slow. Local wholesale store was closed to public last Saturday as they were short staff. Getting scary and No one seems to notice.

  7. My husband and I love Gatlinburg and Piegon Forge. We go 1st a year in April. Not sure we will go next year because of all the inflation. We tried The Local Goat this year. Oh my it was wonderful.

  8. My hubby and I drive about once a year from northern Fl. to northern IL. to visit family and friends. Our absolute most dreaded part of the trip is going through Atlanta. We passed through there on a weekend when a Nascar race was being run so we fully expected it would be faster to get out and walk through town. Boy were we wrong. The traffic was lighter than we've ever seen it. We ended up heading home through Atlanta on a Tues. during rush hour. The traffic was zipping along about 70 mph. No accidents, no backups anywhere. People are definitely not traveling during this July as they did in the past.

  9. Me and the family are heading to Gatlinburg Aug 1st. We need a couple of days to just enjoy being together and seeing nature. Once we come back to Ohio, I’ll be back to canning and stocking.

  10. I live in a small college town where most businesses are centered on the rural highway through town. I told my son to look at this place and imagine everything closed. WM, DG, DT, a few private owned businesses and maybe 4 motels. If the college students leave the apartments in this town will be emptied. Scary thing to imagine. This place would be a ghost town and who would drive this far out to deliver food or gasoline?

  11. For those of us in and near Lexington Kentucky, sadly the iconic retro Parkette Drive In, which has been in business since the early 1940's has permanently closed. So sad.

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