This is a brief overview of how we raise Bobwhite quail. We are beginning to incubate a batch of eggs and I thought I’d show how we go about it!
VIDEO: Raising Bobwhite Quail
This is a brief overview of how we raise Bobwhite quail. We are beginning to incubate a batch of eggs and I thought I’d show how we go about it!
I usually take out my rocker tray put the lid on and heat it up. Once the temp is correct and stable I add the eggs. I load the eggs in rocker tray before I put the rocker trays in. This way it heats back up faster.
This video was very informative for me
Y’all are amazing to do so different things
That was really interesting and informative! Is that a commercial quail feed?
We live in SW Louisiana and im really interested in raising quail and or rabbits for meat.
Great information on the bobwhite quail raising Lea !!
Some quail sure does sound good now!! Have a good'nnn