March 29, 2025

VIDEO: How to Prevent and Control Cucumber Beetles 5 Ways

Cucumber beetles can be a real pest with cucumbers. They plague gardeners and cause tons of damage. We have managed to control them and prevent them for many years totally organically!

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Prevent and Control Cucumber Beetles 5 Ways

  1. After 3 years of cucumber beetles decimating my cucumber plants I have had enough. This year I am spraying them with a neem oil and peppermint castile soap spray every two weeks at dusk. I do it then to protect the pollinators from being sprayed. So far the plants are doing great. As a test I planted one cucumber plant on the other end of the garden and didint spray it. Its almost dead.

  2. So they don’t eat the leaves? Many of my plants, cucumbers and other stuff, the leaves look skeletonized. I have swarms of cucumber beetles so I assumed that’s what was doing it. Is that wrong?

  3. I've got a question for you or anyone else who's reading here. I got some 4ft tall tomato plants. They look healthy and everything, but last couple weeks, the bottom most branches / leaves were turning yellow, then brown and dying. The top of the plant still looks great. The prevailing theory is that it's a watering issue, however, how to know if it's getting too much or too little and are there any other possibilities? 2/4 plants are suffering from this. They all receive the same amount of water. I do not believe it's any kind of root rot.

  4. I also go out, daily, and catch cucumber beetles in a cup of soapy water. I only see like 3-4 per day, and that’s typically how many I catch per day as well. So I feel like I’m making a dent in the population. Fingers crossed!

  5. Knowing the life cycle of that pest is important. They also like any kind of squash. But here’s the important part. The female will lay its eggs at the roots. I know you said not to use insecticide, chemical or organic but you also said not to spray the leaves. And i agree 100% on that but spray the roots and the ground around the roots. I have been doing this for a few years. And i start early when the seedling is about 6”tall I still see a few in my zucchini but none in the cucumbers. So far this season I have sprayed twice and when i see 4 or five i will spray again. Only the roots and ground around the roots no leaves. Stop there life cycle and you stop the pesky little beetle it will also stop the vine bore. But you have start early.

  6. This is my second season growing pickling cucumbers. The dang beetles found them and because of our strange spring and hot-dry summer, they didn't stand a chance. Will try another round using your tips. FYI, I also saw a tip somewhere else that made a trap out of a yellow plastic cup and petroleum jelly. Thanks

  7. Love this!! Cucumber beetles are the 1 pest that I get pretty bad, it’s the stripped cucumber beetle that I get. The stripped cucumber beetle loves my tomatillos and ground cherries, it’s no where near my cucamelons.

  8. So down here in Florida I found my issue to be that the Cucumbers would unusually Gorge and yellowed and darken and then these little white slugs come out of them because they've punctured into them and eating them from the inside. Also notice a bunch of what looks like spider webbing at the end of the cucumber? Anyone have any ideas about this?

  9. Hey Luke. Another great video! I’m in Utah but would come to the grand opening if I were a couple time zones closer. Best of luck in the store. I’ll check it out online. Thanks for putting together these informative and timely videos. I always learn so much.

  10. When I grew cucumbers in Florida, my issue was pickle worms. I believe a moth laid eggs on the cucumber and the worm (or larvae) burrowed into the cucumber and ate the inside.

    Here in Oregon, no issues.

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