This is what you need if you want to have huge cucumber harvests that keep coming all season long. With the right information and techniques growing cucumbers can be a fun and rewarding experience, especially when you are pulling pounds and pounds of fruit off your vines!
Amazon Shop:
→Neem Oil:
→Spinosad Organic Broad Spectrum Insect Control:
→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK
→ IV Organic Fertilizer: PROMO CODE TUCK10 for 10% off all items
→ Fiskars Micro-Tip Pruning Shears:
→ Coco Coir:
→ Sulfur Dust for Fungal Diseases:
→ UV Resistant Marker:
→ 40% Shade Cloth:
→ IV Organic Fertilizer: PROMO CODE TUCK10 for 10% off all items
→Quality Seed Cells: COUPON CODE: TUCK
→ Vermiculite:
→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant:
→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic:
→Row Cover:
→Insect Netting:
→BT Spray for Brassicas:
→Slug Organic Control:
→Pruners I use:
→Tomato Clips:
→Sprayer I use:
→Square Foot Gardening Book:
→My Boots
→Contact: (Business Only)
Great tips!!!
what about powdery mildew?
I have it on my Snap pea, do you have any natural ideas.
Thank you.
North Jersey
Formerly of Little Egg Harbor
@The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni Hey James I’ve been subscribed for about 3 years now and I’m really curious how you keep your Forrest watered to perfection I don’t think you’ve mentioned how you do it. I remember you saying the big trees pull water into the land and the thick mulch helps with water retention but where does the initial water come from?
Squirrels ate EVERY one of my peaches!!! How do you keep them from doing that?!? I didn't think they were even ripe and I didn't even realize that they liked peaches?!?
Awesome man! I have started a Food Forest because of you and creators like you. Love the content! Keep it up!
I tie a string on my foam pad so when I get up it comes with me and I don’t have to carry it
I hope I get that many cucumbers this year. I have big pickle fermenting plans.
my cucumbers were utterly destroyed by those green bettles. I finally covered them with netting and they are coming back to life. but how do I unwrap them and leave them exposed for the bees while wanting to protect them from the bettles coming back? Also, what's your thoughts on food grade DE on the cucumbers ? thx (and yes Tuck is awesome)
Great cucs this year,,,,whoop whoop, I'm use sugar water, it explodes the bettles intestons, well , trying this
You would be selling knee pads.
Hi James what an amazing harvest. Still over 40 days with no rain and temps at 104 to 110, most all of Texas is real bad. We have in our channel all the struggle we went though and we are done until the fall. This drought is the worst we have seen in a very long time. Blessing to you and your family.
James, what zone are you in? I'm in zone 7. My cucumbers were doing well. I have two kinds – Lemon Cucumber, and burpless. I got ONE lemon cucumber and the bees are buzzing and pollinating but I see nothing. Also, I am fighting the fungus. I used neem oil and will do this again next week, but very frustrated. Do you get fungus and what do you do?
Hey, just wanted to let you know how much your videos have helped,inspired and reminded me of my Jersey roots, lol… also I just watched an awesome webinar from Food Soil web with Sadhguru, that might be right up your alley, check it out, fascinating stuff! Keep growing and inspiring! Thank You
I learn something new each time I watch a new video. Thanks so much.
What do you do to the soil to produce such large plants and veggies?
What do you do to the soil to produce so much?
How long ot takes to water ur plants
What mulch do u use
Thank you for the tips. I live in New Jersey and my problem is my herd of does, who wander between homes in my neighborhood. They left my two raised (and deer-fenced) garden beds alone until yesterday morning when I realized they were munching on all the upper leaves of my trellised cucumber plants. They left stems and flowers when I came out and told them to go away. They have lots of other greens to munch on. Can my cucumber plants survive the loss of all of their upper leaves, probably about half their leaves. The parts of the plants that were trailing onto the surrounding grasses are still there. I did expand out my deer fencing, and put some deer net over the top where the small arch trellised are. Is there anything I can do to help the plants out?
Thanks for the tips! This year cucumber beetles have increased my gardening workload 4x!! I've had to plant watermelons, cucumbers, and zucchini each 4x because of getting killed by the beetles, even though I'm picking so many off! We had a bad year for them last year as well because my Dad was growing a massive squash that they loved and was impossible to keep free of them (sooooo many leaves), so it screwed us over for this year as well. I'm working on it!
Sadly my favourite kinds of cucumbers are pickling types which I understand have more of that compound in them that attracts the beetles.
I'll keep trying! Wondering now if I can make a homemade clay spray since we can't easily but kaolin clay here in Canada…..
Glad to see you using a decent bowl!
We love your channel!!!