May 28, 2024


Permaculture is a design science that is built on principles. we discuss the five principles of Permaculture Design.



My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Principles of PERMACULTURE DESIGN!

  1. You are a great teacher James, we are in a time that we need this. Our culture, our planet, our health, our mental health need this. The world is too small and crowded, too vulnerable, we need nature. We need to apply these principles. I am proud of you. Took down notes.

  2. My favourite design principle is #4: Yield is theoretically unlimited and based on information. I would add also based on creativity and exploration. Finding new cool ideas that allow for more yields such as layering are great for small urban gardens like mine.

  3. Simply awesome! I appreciate that in many of your videos you empathize with those of us who are just discovering these principles. You encourage us to have patience, which helps me a ton. I'm in the observation and learning phase as I discover and experiment with new principles in my 3 garden boxes. I hope to plant fruit trees this fall or next spring. I gotta get some ground prepared with compost and chips after I determine the location. And we are going to hit the farmer's market this late summer to taste test particular varieties. My wife and kids want pear, I want peach, and I'm thinking apple is a good one cause the fruit stores well. Perhaps I'll find a way to fit all three into our backyard. And I want to start raspberries, too. Oh, so many dreams. . .

  4. Human manure is great for fruit trees, what you do is get a compost toilet & you fill it with saw dust & instead of flushing you tumble it.
    Then add it to a fungal composting bin. Once it's all said & done any human bourn pathogens are long dead & gone and it is completely safe.

    Just for extra measure don't use it for general garden use, just use it for trees if you are really concerned.

  5. James, I get it and I'm trying to do it your way, at least loading wood chips. It's a slow process for me. I've got inclines here, from the moment of driving up to my property, then 20 foot of stairs to level and incline again, to level with no dig startup. I wish your philosophy is able to get to the place of enjoyment but some tasks are truly tiring but I'm trying. Next year should go easier since I have put on the chips at this time. I enjoyed the Master ideas. For me, just getting the animals to lay off, well, another decision and task. LOL. Thanks.

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