March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Late July Harvest and Garden Tour

It is late summer and we are harvesting from the garden finally! Many of you ask how much we save on groceries from our garden. We are so pleased with where the garden is despite the heat and drought. 

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Late July Harvest and Garden Tour

  1. We are locating to Wisconsin next month from hot, dry CA and I want to plant a few things as soon as we get there. I'm hoping to harvest before the frost hits.
    Huge learning curve!
    Any suggestions for 4 types of veggies to plant in the third week of August?
    Or will it be too late then?

  2. your raised garden beds are very dried up. do yourself a favor and mix in some zeolite into the soil and water well. zeolite is available fairly cheap as oil spill clean up material. it's a completely natural clay but it wont dissolve in any hurry, so wont need to re-apply for years. it works much better than any wetting agents, you will see if you try it.

  3. It’s been a great year for berries but I’ve had to water a lot. What do you do to keep the spotted wing drosophila from destroying your harvest?

  4. This was the year I installed drip irrigation to my raised beds. What a difference maker!! Should have done it years earlier. Not only has it saved me tonnes of time not having to hand water, my production is way up despite the drought. One picking of 2 x 4’ rows of yellow beans yielded all the beans we’ll ever need for the entire winter! I’ll be giving away all the rest of the beans from this point.

  5. Thanks for the garden tour! 1.50 is actually cheap for organic cucumbers. I have seen the English seedless varieties go for over $3 in my local store.

  6. Question: Do you need to protect the currant plants and Blackberry plant during the winter? We live in Ohio and, like you, will be getting very cold weather and snow. Thank you for all of your videos and info for this first year gardener! Cant wait to get up to your new store and we will be buying your seeds next year for our planting.

  7. Congrats on your success. Will be up to see the store from NW Ohio. My Straight 8 Cukes are coming in by the dozen and Giant Crimsons are right behind in impressive quantities. Hope you got some rain, we're not too far from you and got an inch or so of mid July squalls.

  8. Fantastic! I have been pretty bumbed about the way things were growing bc I tried a few times to get things like my cucumbers to germinate and so much of the garden was stunted or in disarray this year. But all of a sudden I have an explosion of both summersquashes and butternut… Plus the best pepper plants I have ever grown thanks to the hot dry weather.

    I'm not sure what had caused the failures this year but I suspect that it is animals. I had a bed full of strawberries I suspect squirrels or rabbits got to. I had a lovely tall container full of carrot seedlings i dont think rabbits could get, but they all dissappeared. Do u think it could have been birds? I planted a lot of herb seeds and also my cucumber seeds directly this year, but a lot of my direct sow things never came up. Could some critters be pilfering all my seeds? Any tips on how to keep that from happening?

  9. I love this! I'm a financial coach so totally money nerd and have been tracking the "ROI" of my garden just for fun. Excited to see the final value of how much we harvest for the year!

  10. Hi I have a question for you I have 3 tomato planets in one bed 2 are doing fine but my early bird are loaded with fruit but the plant looks like it is dying what do I do??
    Thank you

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