March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Complete Tour of The FINISHED 8700 Square Foot MIgardener HQ!

After 6 amazing long months we finally finished the 8700 square feet of workspace and storage for the MIgardener shop. We coulkdn’t be more proud of it and hope you all enjoy it as well. If you want to support the show, future content, and our amazing team, consider grabbing some seeds for your garden!
Shop @

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete Tour of The FINISHED 8700 Square Foot MIgardener HQ!

  1. Looks like a Jeffree Star warehouse. Personally i would compact the cooling/electrical space on rolling trolleys to save energy, like a library room. Less C02 from the air con. Are you on Solar panels? Yes gardening is a hobby but for some it is there only source of food.

  2. You got some space to work now. I been watching for years. Nice to see the MIgardener family truly knows how to "Grow Big". The calendar/ organizer, the pond garden, another lil MIgardener, & the HQ. Busy times. Living the dream. Good work MI…family.

  3. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! ~As a long time follower, It has been such a joy to witness every new milestone in which you have had the opportunity to, "GROW BIG!!!" I am at a loss for words when it comes to how much I appreciate you, S(c)indy & the Whole MIgardener team, as those feelings are indescribable. You have helped me to gain so much knowledge & insight as you continually share with us the incredible wealth of knowledge that your experiences have brought to you. You were actually the very 1st channel I ever "Subscribed" to & MIgardener is still the 1st place I go to search for guidance, information, or solutions when it comes to all things Garden related!! You've helped to fill my heart in abundance as well, as you're always thinking of & putting your community, the Gardening community, & those in need first & foremost. I'm so grateful that you always find ways to bring us along so that we all may share in & feel a part of the next & newest endeavor & experience. (Especially for those of us who aren't able to be "there" physically) I remember a tour, not so long ago, where that same building was all, "a vision!!" I hope it's all you envisioned, AND MORE <3 <3 <3
    ~Thank-you SO very much for allowing me/us all to follow along on your journey!!! You can't GROW BIG without DREAMING BIG first & it is a privilege & an honor to be a part of this community & to have followed along & watched/shared in yours coming to fruition. ~Congratulations just doesn't suffice <3

    Love & Light,
    Christina ( & Family) <3

  4. So excited for you all. I started watching your videos about 6-9 months ago, and was not aware of your online store until about June. You may want to make your online store more obvious on the video pages. I have placed several orders since, and am very happy with the quality and presentation of the orders, and excited to try the sample seeds! You rock! Wish your store was here in CA, but, I am happy to order online.

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