22년 5월초순 토종 검정 찰옥수수 씨앗을 심어
80일동안 옥수수성장과정 영상입니다.
별거없지만 좋게 봐주셨으면 좋겠네요
This is a video of the korean black glutinous corns growth process for 80 days.
I hope you enjoy the video.
Have a nice day everyone.
+음악(Youtube free music)
Snowfall Butterflies – Asher Fulero.mp3
Parasail – Silent Partner.mp3
Out On My Skateboard – Mini Vandals.mp3
갤럭시S9+ (Galaxy S9 Plus)
+편집프로그램 (Editing program)
프리미어 프로 (Adobe Premiere Pro CC)
+촬영/편집 :
Korean Gardener 초록식물TV
#corn #옥수수 #Corn_Harvest
+ Creative Commons
I love you're videos
Cool video as usual
Good job well donne
Wonderful !!! And well explained in a very short time ! Thank you so much for the sharing !
Watching from Philippines
Excelente informacion.daludos de mty.mexico.bendiciones
혹시 삼남자표? ㅋㅋ
Excelent! Well done bro..
Excellent job ! Love it !
I also love to grow corn in container
깔끔한 영상입니다~♡
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