March 2, 2025

VIDEO: Blistered Shishito Peppers | Using the Harvest


Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

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There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Blistered Shishito Peppers | Using the Harvest

  1. If you like pickled banana peppers you could use these in place maybe? Haven't tried a shishito pepper so unsure of flavor profile but maybe worth a try..?

  2. I’ve been eating them as a snack. If I have only one or two the right right size but not enough for a serving I add them to a breakfast scramble with sausage and spinach.

  3. I love eating the red ones raw. Very sweet and a little heat. I was thinking about pickling them like pepperocini. These things are so prolific. Baker Creek said they are good fried in oil with a tempura batter then served with an aoili sauce .

  4. Shishito peppers are my favorite! I just chop off the stem end and saute in extra virgin olive oil with halved cherry tomatoes and chopped onion. Then, use to top a hotdog or some sort of beef sandwich. Or I top a bowl of rice and beans with the mixture. So delicious!

  5. I do freeze the shishitos after blistering them with the seeds and cap removed. You can blend some up and add it to your normal aioli to use as a salad dressing that will bring that yummy taste of Summer back to a Winter salad. Also, try smoked paprika in the aioli or a pinch of cumin.

  6. I grew shishito peppers last summer. I grow all my peppers in my greenhouse in the ground. I live on the southern oregon coast and it's not hot enough outside to get them to grow good. And I had 1 plant last year. This year I have 3. Going to have to try frying them. Mine are just starting to put peppers on. Got alot last year. Didn't have a good germination with my peppers this spring. Only got 12 that germinated after even replanting more. So just going to deal with what I got. This has been a weird gardening year.

  7. You don’t need oil in the pan to truly blister shishito. From the recipe on the bag from costco WAY back in 2014: Just throw them in a hot pan and let the magic happen. Try them FREEZE DRIED. I grew them in 2015 and they were amazing but one plant, grown in lovely gorgeous compost was not near enough shishito peppers for me alone!

  8. I started growing Shishitos last year after hearing you talk about them 3 years ago. Love them and make them like you do. This year I have 3 plants and have already harvested a gallon two weeks ago, and another last week, and there are that many more out in the garden now to harvest! Last year I cut them crossways and froze them. I stuffed a roasted chicken with them. The chicken and sauce from the roast was delicious!

  9. I don't have nearly as many pepper plants as you. So my question is… how should I store the peppers while I wait for enough of a harvest to can? Can I freeze them?

  10. Mine are just coming in to fruit and I can't wait to be swimming in blistered shishitos! I've got a dozen plants for lil' ol' me after last year's two plants just didn't satisfy the cravings. I make my aioli with lemon juice, lots of paprika, and a sprinkle of cayenne.

  11. I love spicy food, grow majority chiles, and put hot sauce on everything. I love blistered shishito peppers, and I bought some at the store recently to cook. They were sooooo spicy I couldnt handle it, which is RARE. I wonder if they were a look alike mislabeled.. maybe a shishito-padron..

  12. I tried stuffed shishitos (with cream cheese and garlic and salami). I liked them so much I think I ate 3/4 of a brick of cream cheese. Also, creamed shishitos. Last week I decided to do just as you said and made a hot dip with shishitos, salami, cream, cream cheese and garlic. Pretty good but I will keep tweeking amounts. Used pita chips to dip.

  13. You inspired me to try blistering peppers from one of your earlier videos. I don't have shishitos growing but did this with Serranos I grew and it was unbelievably tasty! Thank you for sharing, and as always, being inspiring and a ray of light. ❤

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