May 13, 2024

VIDEO: Harvest and Cook a Homestead Dinner with Me (Spatchcock chicken) | VLOG

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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvest and Cook a Homestead Dinner with Me (Spatchcock chicken) | VLOG

  1. I absolutely LOVED this video. We made this meal for dinner the other night and with the dipping sauce, EVERYONE tucked in to eat. We don't have green beans right now in Florida so I did some heat tolerant collards, eggplant and baby okra instead for the veggies

  2. Could you post information about that very large cast iron pan? I cannot find anything that looks like the same diameter (unless it is a dutch oven). I, too, like to spatchcock my chicken. But I have never browned it first because I do not have a big enough pan.

  3. You're such a smart lady in gardening, cooking, raising kids and animals, and making videos helping folks like me. And I'm confident you're pretty intelligent all around. But what I love about you the most is your personality ,passion and heart ❤

  4. I really love that you let your kids get involved. My mom always ran us out of the house to play or just out of the kitchen out of her way when she cooked. Thank goodness cooking talent can be hereditary because I can cook pretty well I'm told . But would've loved to participate cooking with my mom

  5. A little tip. If you save your uncooked bones and keep in freezer you can make a bone broth which has so much more flavor. Put all your bones in a roasting pan, drizzle with olive oil and toss in onions, carrots, and celery. Roast at 450 for about 30-40 minutes. Then transfer all to your pot of water and keep simmering for 8 hrs checking water levels. PS love your channel!

  6. Just made my first Spatchcock chicken as I watched this tutorial! We seasoned with paprika and a few other herbal blends, but pre-frying the breast side down really does make all the difference!!

  7. Jess, you are SO REAL! I freaking love it. You are like the Hollywood Star that girls like me needed growing up! You not only teach me about living in such gratitude with the Earth, but you encourage me to be who I am all the time!

  8. i just about choked laughing when you were talking about how some people say ewww fingers… i'll bet you a pound to a penny they also do not observe the "10 second rule", are sick more than us who do, and are just silly! the best way to stay healthy is to use just enough soap (in your food Ben) and water, to wash off the dirt but leave the good clean germs. i know people are funny about dirt but "GOOD FOOD COMES DIRTY" right? i would happily eat the food you prepared fingers and all.

    QUESTION: how often do you season your cast iron pans?

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