March 3, 2025

VIDEO: 🗽Was the Line Crossed & Is it TOO LATE?

If you’re not awake by now, will you ever be? Is it too late?
See you on the farm! ❤️
~ Seed to Seed:
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

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*Snail Mail:
PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933


Music by Epidemic Sound


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🗽Was the Line Crossed & Is it TOO LATE?

  1. Let's Go Brandon Let's Go Trudeau, Alot has Gone on here lately. Day before yesterday got my electric bill. Wow Ouch! So then yesterday the Raid, and bill in DC that passed for 87,000 new IRS workers with their stock piles of Ammo now. I'm looking now around my house seeing what rooms I can cut off from electric and heat without freezing any pipes. So I'll live in the kitchen and dining room with my pets it seems like that will be my winter plan. I've been stocked up for a year now, so only a few pet supplies need to stock up on. The prices on cased pet foods are out of this world and pickings are slimmer. Take care

  2. I have taken Pics of the gas prices and soup prices here in California all year— always with you in mind P! Today I was taking a pic of Progresso & lady next to me said “prices are going down, isn’t it great?!”
    Uh, a can of soup went from FIVE DOLLARS AND FORTY NINE CENTS to $4.99… and THAT’S something to cheer about?!

  3. The Democrats are trying to do as much damage as they can before November, because they know what's coming. We can only pray that those that are in the Red Wave can step up to hold all of these people accountable. If they don't, then we need our shelves stocked quickly.

  4. I've been on a mission for years, my instincts told me to push and get a garden going to supply a family of 6. The woodchip hills are in their 3rd year and doing great! Chicken coop and chickens coming next month. Others didn't get me but I silently just went about doing what I know is needed. Still much to do, off-grid is next, wish i was there now but $$ is the issue. Ordering my seeds for next year now!

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