The pot was too small but it still managed to produce one nice cucumber despite all the yellow leaves. I would gladly have huge pots for all the plants i film but space is still an issue in the studio.
But not for long, i am moving soon
This was a hybrid greenhouse cucumber so no need for pollination.
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I wonder if you dont cut the cucumber, how will it go on naturally?
What kind of light did you use
Did you cut off the other ones to give the nutrients only to the one cucumber?
Do you water all plants every 2-3 days during their entire life span, or is it different for each type of plant?
Did you grow this out of season?
I hope you still make videos when you move
Next video: cucumber to pickle Timelapse
Now do what you have to do with it
what type of soil is it?
I think it's not the real soil.If it's not then could you explain please! ?
When I grow my cucumber plants, I keep getting male flowers( ones that don’t have cucumbers on them), is there any way on how to fix that
U should do a blueberry one
I want to see how blueberrys grow
God is great, the creator!
Do we grow the plant or he is growing and taking care of everything for us?
What grow light do you use? You plants look so good compared to what I can manage at home
Could you do timelapse with the cannabis?
The music alone was epic. Never will there be a better expression of a cucumber growing in time lapse.
I love these!!
I love these!!
1:10 Me everytime i see her !!
Dark and stormy cucumber music, I like it.