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Sharing the amazing results mulching with grass clippings has on retaining soil moisture!
Thanks to Fiverr
#permaculture #grass #gardeningtips
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Thanks to Fiverr
#permaculture #grass #gardeningtips
Holy moly this is awesome!!! Way to go, good to know!
I do this annually, it can introduce weeds I also recall reading that the process of the grass clippings breaking down can steel nitrates from the soil. I don't know how true this is.
Unfortunately, it has been so dry here for months, that even all the grass has dried up and hasn't been mowed in a long time.
Our heatwave is unlike your heatwave. My grass is mostly yellow and hasn't grown in several weeks. When it recovers, I'll be happy to put the clippings to work again.
Do we know how grass clippings compare to wood chips for mulch? (a la return to the Garden of Eden method).
Incredibly dry here this year too, I've been mulching with grass clippings for a couple years now too. Still didn't have to water my Ruth Stout potatoes this year.
Grass clippings will cause weeds and more grass in your garden. I’m speaking from experience.
I've used them this year and couldn't be happier!!
No grass cutting for ages dude!
Too dry!
It also adds nitrogen to the soil, it's a myth about grass clippings stealing nitrates from the soil! Cut the grass BEFORE it goes to seed & you won't have a problem about weeds, in turn your lawn will be happier & thicker. Avoid mowing on hot days!!!! Mow late in the day as you'll expose the thatch to the sun & heat of the day, water the lawn straight after cutting while having a beer. It's the Auzzie way.
You're saving lives Huw.
you. Keep teaching…
Here’s an alternative exotic vegetables and fruit garden.
Awesome video!! We have been thinking about water more than ever, since our “drought” here in the American Ozark region.
I was using grass clippings on my beds when my husband mowed his two lawns however the mulch on the beds dried out and blew about and the grass on the lawns didn’t grow in the drought, I’m not knocking the tip Huw as you always find solutions, I just thought you may come up with one that gets around this one.