Squash bugs and cucumber beetles can be such a nuscence. In this episode we will be covering how to control them using a trick I learned from a local amish farmer.
VIDEO: Prevent Squash Bugs and Cucumber Beetles With A Trick An Amish Farmer Taught Me
Squash bugs and cucumber beetles can be such a nuscence. In this episode we will be covering how to control them using a trick I learned from a local amish farmer.
Well I'm game. Wish us luck!
I only have a 16×16 garden and containers, and I am overwhelmed. I am in zone 5. I had planted starters in june for the first time as a back up. In July I had the vine borer come in, squash bugs, and cucumber beetle, as well as rabbits and more. I don't use any sprays. I pulled out and replaced all the plants with the starters and seeds. I also used tulle around the bases of the plants and stems. Seedling's I covered. My garden is sooo productive, healthy, and minimal pests! Other people I know at work lost their gardens. Mine is the only one thriving. I believe it was using tulle, and time of year knowing my season, and having the back up plants. I was sure to rid the area of the plants that were the issue. Great video!!
Sadly here in North Georgia (zone 7b) I'm still seeing squash/cucumber beetles. Hopefully they will leave soon. I just plant 3 varieties of zucchini and 2 varieties of cucumbers . I'm hoping to get a bunch more of from the freshly planted ashley cucumbers – it's our favorite so far
Thank you i like your information. God Bless you
This is my first year growing in an area where squash bugs and svb are a thing, and they absolutely destroyed my spring garden, but I planted a huge patch of summer squash, also pumpkins and spaghetti squash on July 1, and only some aphid pressure so far
Awesome advice!
Glad to hear this since I have started seedlings already. Wasn't sure they'd have enough time to mature. I'll transplant this weekend.
I’m growing my squash in the fall and the squash are being attacked by squash bugs. Cucumbers are just now starting to vine-will wait & see if cucumber beetles show up
one thing that has also helped me with the cucumber beetles at least, is mixing in some flowers and herbs around the cucumber and squash plants. typically its zinnias, cornflowers, marigolds, borage and dill all planted around by my squash and cukes. i think i only encountered one, maybe two cucumber beetles the whole season and havent seen another since then. Will definitely be planting some zucchini tomorrow now that i am reminded of how well they do in the fall too
we started a new round of zucs from MIG seeds for a fall crop. thanks for the advice.
That is exactly what I was thinking after the squash bugs decimated my zucchini last spring. I started my Costata Romanesco zucchini under my grow light at the beginning of this month and just planted the established plant out yesterday. I agree that it will be much easier to grow and hopefully be a bigger harvest. Squash bugs are my nemesis!
I tried growing Fall crops one year and everything came up great. The only problem is there are no pollinators in the Fall to pollinate anything. It’s a waste of time and effort where we live in the Pacific Northwest.
Root vegetables are the only thing that does well in the Fall here.
Thanks Luke!
Just found a load of squash bug nymphs last night and found more tonight! Also see cucumber beetles. Pennsylvania still has them in August… trying some Dr Bronners in water spray, boards on the ground, and checking all leaves. If something looks like it's starting to wilt I am going to try injecting with 3% hydrogen peroxide, only found one person that did this and it worked for him. Next year I'll try planting later vs in spring, for now will plant more for fall growth, and definitely will plant in a different area next time I plant more.
So at what point in the late summer do you typically plant cucumbers and zucchini? Also, I have come to plant seeds in larger tray planters and to religiously keep them wrapped in anti-insect netting the entire time to be transplanted later. I am assuming this could be a time saver when it comes to planting for a autumn harvest?
Hornrd warms are devouring my tomatoes. Please help!
I was today years old when I learned Brown City had an Amish population. I thought most of them were between Marlette and Bad Axe all these years.
Luke, can't I grow winter squash in zone 7 AR?
I’m growing dwarf eggplant cucumbers and cherry tomatoes and I see these tiny black bugs all over the soil. It’s so hot in Texas I find I have to water everyday. Is that the reason for the black bugs. My eggplants are producing flowers but then die. I think it’s the bugs
Problem is SVB falls off only in mid-August here, and cucumber beetles in late August, and that's not enough season to grow cukes/zukes in a significant quantity. At least I don't think so. I sowed a few zucchini seeds (and transplanted a few others) at the start of the week so we'll see what they do. The cucumbers I transplanted in late July got hit hard with cucumber beetles.
Wow, very interesting. The one time I tried to grow zucchini I ended up battling cucumber beetles, squash bugs and vine borers all at once, and I guarantee nothing in the squash family had been grown within 500 feet in the 20 years prior. Can't wait to get some late season zucchini for my smoothies.
My cucumbers are slowing down so I thought I might be crazy to plant new cucumbers – but I did it anyway. Thanks for confirming this was the right choice!
I'm growing some Biet Alpha cucumbers for a Fall planting and they're doing amazing despite the drought here in the NE. I've never ever gotten cucumber beetles so I'll be growing these Spring and Fall. I will never grow any other kind of non-pickling cukes. They self pollinate. This video really should have been made two weeks ago. I never thought of squash. Brilliant idea. The Amish are so wise.
If they're not present, where do they go? I don't believe they just "leave the area".
Luke~ I grew cucumbers and they were doing amazing. Then all of a sudden the vines started wilting. Any input as to what causes that? Thank you in advance.
Can you use hydrogen peroxide spray for rhe mildew also?
This makes me feel good because I thought I planted my cucumbers way too late. They are about 3" tall right now. They look good so I will keep my fingers crossed.