March 4, 2025

VIDEO: 🥔 Yikes! Potato Shortage & Price Hikes!

What are you seeing in your area in terms of potato availability & the crazy price hikes?
Stay busy!
❤️ See you on the farm!
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Music by Epidemic Sound


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🥔 Yikes! Potato Shortage & Price Hikes!

  1. I couldn’t wait for gardening this year. I planted my garden then planted my potatoes. I impatiently waited on the m to grow. My garden thrived but I got 2 quarter sized potatoes out of all that I grew. A real punch to the gut so anyone living around me better go buy all the bags of potatoes because tomorrow when I get off work they’re mine. You’ve been warned. Love ya all

  2. Patara, thank you for always showing a taste of the farm. I miss our critters.
    I grew up on meat and taters.

    Yep, potato crops are failing all over the world. We've known this for months, ( Not rubbing it in.)

    Way back when I learned that Idaho crops were failing due to drought, I tell you what, I stocked up on canned spuds and potato flakes. Hold your horses and don't be a snob. I grew some bags of little spuds this year in my bags. We just finished eating the last of our new potatoes and green beans – yum- that I grew on my patio.

    For those who have to have a soft mushy diet with measured calories, (please don't ask), the box of potato flakes for an ill family member, those flakes can save time and energy for nursing care.

    I am so grateful that i stocked up on what potatoes I could when I did. Our situation did not allow for canning like I wanted to this year. .) I did manage to dehydrate cheap bags of hash browns. Fresh potatoes are awesome – but I'm not proud. I'll eat canned or dehydrated and be (Please don't judge.)happy.

  3. Trying to grow potatoes and I currently have some little ones. I’m excited because I am NOT a gardener so hoping they keep growing. I do have a decent stock of dehydrated shredded and sliced potatoes in the #10 cans. I also have canned potatoes from Walmart that are $.78 per can.

  4. Your smile makes me at ease..You love your critters..Tatoes are plentiful in mid N.H.. BUT the prices are way up 5.50 – 7.00 a 5lb ,whites,russets ,yellow Waiting for my taters to harvest. I'm 2mi. from Maine and THEY DO a lot of potatoes..A farm is right over the border and we get taters from Penna, Idaho, Michigan but no Me..

  5. I bought 5 boxes of flake potatoes at Walmart recently. Plan to get more soon. My wife just got a great deal on used shelves on FB marketplace. We are building out our storage space in the basement.

  6. My elderly neighbor just told me today the price was outrageous when she shopped yesterday. $6.99 for 3 pounds. She didn’t buy them. I agree with canning but I keep fresh ones to plant for next year.

  7. Went to Walmart today & added my little something to my pantry & got sticker shock at the potatoes….
    A bag of red spuds $6.89 & my fav Yukon Golds $ 9.-
    This is in rural Midwest- ILLINOIS.
    I have NEVER had a Walmart bill for basic staples as I did today. Can’t wait to see what Woodman’s – ALDI or other places will show in prices next!
    We are getting the life chocked out of us!

  8. Haven't seen any shortages in CA but I'm going to plant some more potatoes tomorrow. I'm grateful we can grow many things year round. What disturbs me the most is realizing government agents can declare crops 'diseased' and have them destroyed. Chilling.

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