March 29, 2025

VIDEO: BUY SEEDS NOW for your next Garden Year, Here' WHY

BUY SEEDS NOW for your next Garden Year, Here’ WHY

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: Baker Creek


27 thoughts on “VIDEO: BUY SEEDS NOW for your next Garden Year, Here' WHY

  1. Yes indeed – here in London UK the season has been weird and terrible (and for the 2nd year) – beans simply not setting, squashes only putting out male flowers or none at all, potatoes tiny, root crops not growing at all, grapes feeble. I said very much the same as you to friends: get your seeds and potting compost now, because next spring it's going to be worse than the crazy rush at the start of lockdown. We've just had our first serious, heavy rain since late June here, overnight – hurrah!

  2. Another gem video Mark. Yes we buy seeds in sale in fall. Yes we sprout and grow store potatoes. Plus we save seed out of those as well as other seeds. My thoughts? Folks get your hands on a good water supply , be it rain water or any source it's the next shrtage.

  3. So glad I subscribed to your channel in the past and received this unexpected update. The information is valuable. I see very well what is happening to agriculture, to farmers, and to food plants (especially in our country). Thank you for your timely advice.

  4. Glad to see you posting, Mark. The most important thing I learned from you is that "roots make soil", been practicing that ever since. Thank you, be well.

  5. Good advice. I was thinking about stockpiling seeds too. I buy a lot of seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom, which is located near me. (I'm in Missouri too.) The Ozarks where Bakers Creek is located had a terrible drought this year w/ temps of 100+ for more than 60 days. I'm guessing there is a good chance a lot of their seed crop was ruined this year. Prices will probably go up and seeds will be hard to come by.

  6. I'm right with you Mark, I've already saved and purchased all my seeds for next year. Just waiting for my zucchini and crookneck squash to get old to save those seeds. Wishing you well.

  7. I learned a lot this year. We had the worst drought ever. My vegetable garden is mulched with grass/weed clippings. I am digging out the paths to raise the beds because it is usually too wet. Then the paths are filled with prunings from trees and bushes and weeds from my and my neighbors gardens. It's a variation of hugelkultur. Seems it helps with dry times as well as wet times. Tomatoes and corn did well. We just got a good rain so I'm putting in cover crops to improve the soil and help absorb and hold water. Some of the garden is still compacted clay.
    I will increase the mulch of landscaped areas with wood chips and leaves. They got too dry.

  8. You're confirming what I've been hearing from other youtube channels and iceagefarrmer. Means more coming from you so I will follow your advice. Not sure if we'll even be allowed to water outdoors next year if CA drought continues, that's what concerns me most, not being able to grow my own produce even if I have the seeds. My water bill is so high it's probably cheaper to buy food than grow it.

  9. Stretching my covercrop seed by strip covering. The non-stripped portion of the rows/beds gets leaf mould. The rhirzosphere is small. Not every inch of the bed needs a covercrop. This will reduce my seed usage by 1/3+.

  10. Thanks for the advice, Mark, it's a good point. I've been putting back some food, but I also grow as much of my own as possible, and hadn't been thinking about how seeds might go up.

  11. Yeah…and also get the kind u can save the seed from…not the hybrids…i got a lit of them because i also geow in fall

    Our small town local food pantry has seen 75 families turn into 450 since biden started his anti america pushes….and its only.gonna get worse.

  12. Now that it’s so dry, you need to dig out a nice pond to save some water for future droughts….although I’m sure with that sandy soil you might need some clay, but bring me a dump truck over here in PA and I’ll give you alll the clay you need

  13. Yep already buying seeds and stockpiling. Will buy more. Also buying indoor plant lights, trying hydroponic garden indoors to prevent garden ‘freeloaders’ (eg some insects, possums etc) eating some of my plants, as I don’t like to use pesticides. Can’t really trust the air and rain because of the Chemtrails…you wonder when this madness is going to end, if ever…

  14. According to some livestock farmers, the cost of meats, when the cattle are ready for slaughter in the fall, will be sky high! It may be prudent to stock up on meats while the prices are still affordable.

  15. Thank you for telling your viewers what’s going on in a calm demeanor. It’s appreciated. In my area (southwest Ohio), peppers are selling for $1.39 a piece. Peaches are $1.00 a piece. I’ve already purchased next spring’s seeds and planted three apple and one Asian pear tree. All grass clippings and leaves go in the garden. We also get wood chips whenever we can for our heavy clay soil. We’ve lived here for four years and our soil is starting to feel like soil instead of brick-hard clay. It’s been a slow process, but seeing the results gives us the encouragement to keep going. Our tomatoes all were plagued with blight, except for the cherry tomatoes. They are prolific! While typing this, I’m watching you harvest potatoes. You’re making me laugh. That root!!!!! As my dad would say…and this is spelled phonetically…hyla digga eedapples. Meaning great big potatoes in Dutch.

  16. I like to expand on your advice Mark. Also buy quality gardening tools, and tools you need to process and store your produce.

    When the supply chain ends, they will be your best friends.

    OK that rhymes.

  17. Historically speaking this is how inflation starts to really eat at the middle class. I'm glad you're speaking out Mark everyone who sees it should speak out. Economically speaking America is OK for a while but this USD standard will eventually fail so I've been warning, for a long time now, to grow food (sustainably) and save seed (it's why I like your channel). We'll eventually go back to a hard money standard… but what? I don't believe it'll be gold, silver, or any metal as that's failed so much throughout history. A centralized digital currency? I don't think so, centralization is what's got us into this mess in the first place. We're living in peak centralization, the most centralized we've ever been and it's because of fiat money. There's an answer if one is paying attention.

  18. Thank you for sharing this! I'm new to growing crops. I live in Central Oklahoma so the environment is different. Any advice for growing crops in this region as well as what crops are best?

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