July 8, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Peaches 🍑 as Taught By an 85 Year Old Orchardist

When it comes to growing fruit, it can be challenging. Peaches especially. That’s why I went to a master to teach me what he does to grow some of the best peaches around. He is 85 years old, and a 3rd generation orchardist.

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Peaches 🍑 as Taught By an 85 Year Old Orchardist

  1. Seems like you come out with a video the day after I talk about a gardening topic. I was literally talking about getting a peach tree for my property with my son the other day!

  2. Had my peach trees for five years. Never had a single peach lol. Here in Kansas, every single year we get a late freeze that brutally murders the blossoms. Is there a way I could protect them?

  3. Just what I needed to see. Our peach trees had an upper branch break. I supported one side branch. I will be rewatching this video. And taking notes. Need to trim up ours to goblet shape. Thanks so much for this video.

  4. I ran across an old video where you experimented with tomatoes, but you didn't tell us how things went! How was the production from that money maker that you cut a lot of foliage from vs the one that you let go? Also, how was that sun gold crossed with the Rutgers (?) Tomato? You did some other fun crosses. How did they go?

  5. Thanks for telling us what he uses for bugs. You are absolutely fantastic. You are showing us different ways to grow and respect other options. Will always tell others about you.

  6. I live in WI so similar growing zone as MI, and I've planted 4 peach trees over course of 10 years and they all die. Apple , plum and pear do great but peach doesnt… one was a Michigan peach tree and one was a frost peach that died, I planted another one and that died too… I've given up on them because I just think my zone is too cold for them. It's always over the winter that they die. I replaced the last one with a plum tree and it's flourishing. FWIW

  7. I grow Michigan red haven and June gold, both semi-dwarf. I have found that they are fairly pest and disease resistant. They also do very well through 5b Illinois winters. And pretty drought tolerant once established.

  8. Peaches disease prone? Shoot, theyre the only fruit trees that do well for me! Can't get an apple tree to thrive for the life of me, Japanese beetles devastate my cherries, half my pears died of fireblight, and every peach tree is gorgeous. Southeast Michigan.

  9. Thank you! That was just what I was looking for. Your peach and apple tree videos are very timely and helpful.
    This is probably very basic, but I just discovered that I could put apple and plum trees in my yard because of the 4-in-1 and 5-in-1 self-pollinating varieties that are now available. Maybe you could do a video on growing high production trees/plants in small spaces.

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