March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Pope Moves ALL Funds to Vatican Bank?

“Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank by Sept. 30, 2022.”
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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pope Moves ALL Funds to Vatican Bank?

  1. I just want whatever is going to happen, to go ahead and happen!!!!
    I understand that the longer we can put this off, the better it is. BUT!!!!!

    I am so agitated by the WAITING, I'm going CRAZY!!!

    I am aware we are going to have MASSIVE CRISES this winter…..I am as prepared as I can be. I guess the reality is I am SCARED TO DEATH!!

  2. Patera, look into how the insurance companies are not insuring homes if u have wood stoves in your home. Some are making you remove completely others raising your insurance significantly. So insane

  3. I agree with you that it's a sudden move, but I think you need to say billions not millions. A lesser-known fact is that the Catholic church is one of the largest property owners in the world. It's called protect your assets.

  4. I saw a comment on another channel where a teller was told to get a new job before October 1 because banks were going digital. All the tellers we're told this. Has anyone heard any more if what she was saying is true?

  5. I love you Patera! I ish I had your energy for real. I do. Ppl need encouragement too. I suggest they ALSO check out ark of grace ministries(Amanda grace) and midnight cry with Deborah, and joni bonnette here on you tube!!! Hugs. It's gonna get bumpy and if they aren't clinging to the Lord they may fall away.

  6. I'm catholic everything happening right now is happening just as prophecy says it will.look up 3 days of darkness. look up Taylor Marshall he explains all of this.stuff!Also Jesus says do not be afraid. I prep but first and foremost I prep my soul because it is a priority the most important thing is to get right with God the almighty creator of heaven and earth.

  7. Another great video! In between canning the next week; cleaning out the earthboxes and trimming this and that and making a batch of granola. Ordered a batch of jars earlier today. Have a great evening! Blessings.

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