March 25, 2025

VIDEO: GROWING TOMATOES with NO Fertilizer NO Compost during Drought

GROWING TOMATOES with NO Fertilizer, Compost during Drought. See how simple and easy it was to do this. You can do this.

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: Baker Creek


17 thoughts on “VIDEO: GROWING TOMATOES with NO Fertilizer NO Compost during Drought

  1. Mark, I suggest that you create a soil library. Take cores (just do something simple like pound a 2" diameter PVC into the ground and push the resulting core out into a box and store the somewhere.) and then you can look back over time and see what your practices are really accomplishing. Gabe Brown says in some of his talks that he regrets not doing that when he started his own journey.

  2. Clay soil is very rich in nutrients. Roots sometimes have trouble accessing them tho . My clay in missouri is so thick a small shovel probably weight close to 25 pounds and you could probably fire it into a pot lol. I have to till some compost and even a bit of peat to get good drainage. No fertilizer is necessary but I do notice improvements from some cheap inputs. Iron sulfate to break up the clay in the off season and lower the PH of my calcareous soil. I also use some alfalfa and chicken manure occasionally as alfalfa is dirt cheap and I get chicken manure for free.

  3. Thank You so …much Mark ,for all you share, just so you know I am sharing these soil info videos on FB to all my friends because you make it so simple to understand. We appreciate you !

  4. i found you bcs i" obsessed with soil biologyy. Pls disregard those who are uninterested or not informed enough to know how important these trials are. your channel is amazing and a lifesaver for those of us just starting who cannot buy compost now bcs of Grazon. I';m working my way through all of your vids and glued to them… Thank you for caring enough about others, to go to the trouble of teaching us. <3

  5. Awesome as always. As you always talk about sunflowers. Are sunflowers adequate as a cover crop? As we grow a lot for feed for our animals. Of course I leave the roots in the ground when we take the sunflower heads off.

  6. Since you said the tomatoes grew there for 3 years, I just wonder if you even need to plant starter plants….you should have enough seeds already in the ground from fallen tomatoes to start that patch up next year

  7. I want to say that watching you and the others you mentioned that this year I am having the same experience in Reno Nv. I only had to water corn once and my tomatoes are doing great. We have only had about an inch of rain this summer and that came in the beginning of August. It has been five years in the making but the results are fantastic!

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