I’m delighted to announce the pre-order launch of my colleagues book; the nature of food. Secure your copy today: https://igg.me/at/natureoffood
For years I have had so many comments from gardeners asking for recipe ideas to help them enjoy their amazing harvests, and on many occaisions have requested I write a cookbook! Well fear not because you are in safe hands with my colleague Sam Cooper, who is a professional chef and a really talented one at that! We have been working together in the garden for two growing seasons and Sam has curated the most delicous collection of recipes that cover the harvests of all 4 seasons of a vegetable garden! It has been so incredible to see and taste the delicious meals Sam has created, and even making some of them myself! This book is the perfect companion for any gardener, passionate home cook, or both! Now there is a recipe book that understands and respects how amazing homegrown produce is and how to best work with that to let the ingredients speak for themselves. Select your perk and pre-order your copy today: https://igg.me/at/natureoffood
I have listened to all your requests for a dedicated garden cookbook and my colleague Sam has made something rather beautiful: https://igg.me/at/natureoffood
Wonderful! I have preordered the two signed book sets. Will that signed book include the +5 recipes? Thank you both! So very excited! ❤
Just made my order for both. Can’t wait!
Simple can be good. I’ve just picked some basil to make pesto and for dessert I have blackberry and apple crumble, with foraged blackberries. I rarely follow recipes, more make it up as I go along. I have four recipes written on the inside of the cupboard door and that’s it.
I'm in Canada. I really want this book! Trouble is, last time I ordered a cookbook online ( not from Amazon) it was a disaster. The book cost about $40. the shipping was "free", but when it arrived they wanted another $35. at the door! Apparently it was the stupid Canadian government doing this. I refused to pay, wrote my $40 off as a donation to the seller, and learned a hard lesson. Won't do that again!! So my question is, will your book be available in Canada eventually?
Nice will definitely take a look you can never have too many cookbooks 🙂
we shouldn't use "sustainable" so loosely.
sustainable refers to maximum yield without diminishing the resource.
it can be obtained by restricting consumption/extraction and, in the case of plants, with regenerative methods.
cooking, however, is not directly connected to either.
Would love to order a copy but how much would it cost to ship it to the "horrible" EU?
The book looks really good. But I am also distracted by trying to work out the makers mark on the knife. The knife looks a bit like a Dave Budd knife but the mark doesn't look like his.
This is what I have been waiting for
Thank you, this looks wonderful!
Will there be vegan recipes/subs in here? I hope so!
I thought it was another book but would be extra exciting if there was a movie based from a book you had a hand in, Congrats .
lovely looks great
Such a great project! What proportion of the recipes are vegetarian/vegan or easily adaptable?
Oh goodness, this is gorgeous. What an amazing idea.
Oh Huw and viewers what an abundant & tasty Nutritious harvest I've got this year. I LOVE GROWING AND COOKING MY OWN FOOD. HAPPY GARDENING TO YOU ALL❤❤
This is awesome and exciting!
This is hands down my favorite gardening channel. My mouth is literally watering watching this! Preordering soon…
I wish I could pre-order the book but it looks like payment is only via credit card and I don't use one. Will it be available on Amazon at some point?
Love what you're doing. We grew up eating out of the garden and eating with the seasons. We couldn't afford winter produce from the supermarket so Mom rarely bought it. Before refrigeration and national highway networks that's how people ate. I still eat that way. Right now I'm up to my neck in canteloupe and watermelon and I guarantee in 2 or 3 weeks I won't want either again till next summer and will be switching to fall recipes after that.
Remember back when I sold people wanted peppers, tomatoes, melons by May and were resentful because we were just getting the spring stuff coming in if we were able to plant early enough. Most people today have a childlike naiveite about their food because they have gotten so used to it always being there.
Somehow my garden of zucchini squash produced only one squash (out of twenty-five plants) and all the herbs I planted managed to disappear, but I’ll keep trying! Yea!
That's the secret of our italian cuisine. Simplicity, few high-quality ingredients and flavours skillfully assembled.