First time growing bamboo. I had no idea how it was going to look like or how it was going to behave, i just ordered some random bamboo seeds and planted them
btw i’m only posting every other week at the moment so i don’t run out of videos. I’m in the process of moving to a new and bigger studio so there is a lot to build and set up. Will be back to weekly videos soon!
here is some info about the bamboo from wikipedia:
Bambusa bambos, the giant thorny bamboo, Indian thorny bamboo, spiny bamboo, or thorny bamboo, is a species of clumping bamboo native to southern Asia (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Indochina). It is also naturalized in Seychelles, Central America, West Indies, Java, Malaysia, Maluku, and the Philippines.
It is a tall, bright-green colored spiny bamboo species, which grows in thickets consisting of a large number of heavily branched, closely growing culms. It reaches a height of 10–35 m and grows naturally in the forests of the dry zones.
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Today I learned bamboo has seeds. I thought it spread from a rhizome.
Have you ever timelapsed cacti growing from seed?
Can you plant a coconut please
How you get seed of a bamboo?
Wow, all of that from just one tiny seed?! Awesome!
it is really big
Estou usando o YouTube de maneira errada, sou viciado nesses videls
110 days in 1,5 minutes. Amazing
bamboo is very stwong
Seems it's not a bamboo
Get a panda now
Can you send me a grow light like yours? I want to grow things like you but I can't afford it
Love your videos bro.
Sanat harikası bir eser inşa ediliyor. Subhanallah!
I thought bamboo grew faster than that
Заебись бамбук
На самом деле почти всегда не хватает земли и света , вырастают почти на всех роликах ущербные растения. Те же перцы дают по 50-100 плодов у него там четыре штуки висит, картошку ростит он три картошки с 10 копеек собрал. Не удобряет, влажность и режимы не соблюдает .
короче садовод хуевый из типа.
Видео соответственно тоже ущербные
I like that bamboo
That was inspiring
now imagine a captured G.I. over it
Could you create a playlist with all the videos, please? This way we can watch all the videos one by one. Love the content Bamboo get eaten by Rat …
It is amazing to know that bamboo has seeds.
Just comment
bamboo have seeds?
Hello! Bring back the old preview design. It was very minimalistic.