More & more distractions! Don’t let them get you off your game!
Stay busy!
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~ Music by Epidemic Sound
Hey are you talking about Robert Weakley Patton?? I sent you an email.
Thanks Patara. My other half headed back up north for 3 months last night. He works on the rigs, journeymen Welder. I miss him dearly when he leaves and so do our kids. It's videos like this that keep me busy. Putting up strawberry rhubarb jam today and trading some jars with a dear neighbour today. We grow different things and trade to add more to the pantry. We are rhe only two houswholds on our entire street that garden. It gets lonely sometimes. All we can do is navigate these interesting times.
I have a sunroom that I have used for houseplants. Not this year. I'm going to use it for food storage. Im going to turn the heat down to 45° and store apples, onions and potatoes. Plus other dry goods. No sense wasting the space on house plants. Plus its my hidie hole if the power goes off. I live in Mn. Very cold winters.
I was able to put 20 lbs of chicken in the freezer and canned 7 quarts of beef stew this weekend. Thanks for your common sense Patara!
Jubilee year coming to a close before Rosh Hashanah…just as Rabi Johnathan Cahn has written about.
My ancestors were at kings mountain too. I wonder if you and I may be distant
cousins. I wish I could be there on the 7th but I live on the west coast. I love that you are into genealogy too!
You are such an awesome person! Your energy and insight are uplifting!!!
canning canning canning….
I’m with you girl every step of the way. I don’t comment but I’m always here listening
I’m doing something right because the devil definitely wants to get me
Great message
My brother in-law is a reenactor! He’s been doing it for years!
Been busy in NE Utah! I relocated 18 months ago from Texas so I have a 1st year garden. I have done better than I had hoped considering the amount of shade I have! Plans on expanding next year, seed saving and doing as much as I can manage! I have 90 jars of jams, pickles have just been started, salsa, steak sauce, etc etc etc are being done as much as possible. Teaching my 2 sons and 2 daughters how to garden and preserve. Gotta love the chickens too! many dozens of eggs have been glassed!!
Don’t let the enemy win your head thoughts, keep busy and get things done!
Holy Cr&p – I am getting to seriously miss your chats when you're too busy for a day or two!
The information is becoming secondary – it's your strength, sense of humour and delivery that I most enjoy, hands down.
Don't you DARE stop. Ever. That is an order, lady!
Our barn is full of hay for the winter, most of the garden is canned and shelved, and we did 40 quarts of chicken, and 10 of stew yesterday! Peaches, pears, and pickled beets lined up for this week! We are staying busy, the feeling of urgency is over the top with us. Working hard and staying prayerful. Immensely appreciative of you and all you do Patara! Love from WA!
I did not realize you were a DAR gal also! Cool!
So genuine!! Thanks for the talk
see my horses cannot even stand gunshot. im hoping to train my foals different
It seems as the naysayers are like the naysayers in Noah’s day. Imagine the folks who ridiculed Noah as he was building his Ark. Then…it started raining!
Taking steps to prepare for the worst is smart, especially in our time.
You have the gift of encouragement. Thank you
My daughter and I were talking tonight on our way back from church about this very subject. We don’t know the exact timeline, but tonight we heard a prophecy of America becoming a third world country in conditions of living. We’ve heard similar messages in our church meetings through other voices. As well as the warnings from others from channels like this one. Not to mention we see with our eyes all around us. Things are definitely getting interesting. Not in fear. But alert and vigilant. We are going to see things we’ve never seen before, I sense.
Patara you keep repeating yourself. Unfortunately that's what most people need. Your a gift from God. Thank You for what you do.
What is the beginning song? You’ve used it before it’s beautiful!!