March 27, 2025

VIDEO: I sure hope this works!

#AcreHomestead #BackyardHomestead #growingfood
Extra Large Chicken Feeder –

Roo Apron –

Online Seed Companies I Order From:
Hoss Tools –
MI Gardener (Use Code ACRE for 10% OFF) –
Seeds for Generations –

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Green Stalk (Use Code ACRE for $10 an Order of $75+) –

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Freeze Dryer –

The Canning Lids I Use | Use Code ACREHOME10 for 10% off –

Canning Supplies I Used:
Electric Presto Pressure Canner –
Ball Canning Cookbook (My Favorite!!) —
Oster 22 Quart Roaster Pan —
Stainless Steel Strainers —
Canning Equipment Essential Supplies Kit —

30-Day Free Audible Membership with 2 Free Books –
A Year Without The Grocery Store Book –

Azure Standard –

Redmond Real Salt | Use Code ACRE for 15% off

Organic and Biodynamic Wine Club –

Becky Acre Homestead
PO Box 873912 Vancouver WA 98687

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24 thoughts on “VIDEO: I sure hope this works!

  1. Hi Becky, have you thought about converting a double horse trailer with a storage space at the front into a chicken house. To move it around your property you just attach it to a large ride on mower or tractor. There's quite a lot of conversions on YouTube.

  2. Loved this so happy to see you reunited with your girls, they are such a joy, I would love chickens but I suffer from Asthma so don't know if I could have them or not we have a few people with them here as I live in the countryside here in England surrounded by farmland. And I have to go to the hospital soon for surgery you have made a 65-year young lady happy, I wait with anticipation for your content love it so much and you and josh are such a delightful couple. love your homestead. love to you all xxx

  3. Becky you are a strong woman!!! I love your positive vibes, your family and josh are so warm and kind, I really appreciate how raw and real your videos are, you are so incredible!! Thank you for being an inspiration to so many people!!!

  4. You are in a more open area now and hawks will make an easy meal if you let the hens free range. Coyotes will make a quick meal of them, too. Hawks kills and eat only the heart and leave the whole chicken. If you value your chickens you will keep them in a bigger pen and forget the free range dream. Speaking from 65 years of experience of tending to chickens.

  5. Looked on Youtube this morning to see if you'd uploaded this yet. Gives me joy to see you reunited. Hoping for a triumphal reunion with missing chicken. Loved seeing the bug land on your camera lens.

  6. Hey there, fellow PNW chicken mom. We've got a coop inside a run, and the run is tall enough to stand up in. We put some branches across the top of the run for the chickens. They never actually use the coop for sleeping now. They just snuggle up on the branches. So technically, yes, the nest is in the back of the coop, but I guess really it isn't?

  7. I'm curious to see how the coop placement works. I am wondering if all the rain coming off the house roof, then hitting the tilted roof of the coop might soak you. It may also direct a bit too much water towards your house. Does the house have gutters to redirect that flow of water? May also be something to consider on your future coop to tilt water away from where you will gather, it helps on my duck coop.

  8. Hey Becky…. I am a new subscriber…. I have been watching your videos from the last month or two…. I am a huge fan of yours….. your videos give so much calmness….

  9. True ! You don't need to have a CHICKSAW if you are not utilizing them for propagating and fertilizing your soil for pasture land . My husband was all into that idea , so I had to break it down for him , our hens are for eggs , they get a nice home , forage in my garden when I am done . We will have a few goats , That's it . Also , my cats and dogs need my love , and you . Let's not get started on harvesting and food preservation ! He has no idea what he is in for !!

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