Answering YOUR questions-why you need a rooster & more on broody hens.
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So do Wicked Hens lay Deviled Eggs? Lol
What do you feed them once the babies hatch? Does starter/grower hurt the mama hen? I have a standard cochin that hopefully will make a good mom. Love the these chick flicks!
How to raise chicks
Thank you so much for the information, You taught me a lot, Take care
I’m getting a rooster from a friend on Sunday! I’m so excited!
Great video. It's so funny that those of us who haven’t raised animals would think a female didn’t need a male to make babies. I know people who just had that aha moment in the last couple of years. Shows we don’t know nothing ‘bout birthing no babies.
Patara!!! Please respond to a you tube channel called Redacted from the 21st, Natalie Morris talks about homesteaders & poor people as HOARDERS!!! She needs an education.
Thank you for this information. Our son just got a entry level construction job and is looking for a dependable truck. We will use your advice in helping us to find an affordable dependable vehicle.
I love your videos! I KNOW everyone says that! YOU are such a JOY to watch, and learn from. Blessings to you and your family.
Anyone have any crowing hens? I had an old hen that crowed every morning for years. She died a few weeks ago. Since then, my other 2, old hens have started crowing, as well. I have 4 young grandsons who think nothing of crowing hens. Lol Krazy!!
Do you have a tutorial on candeling the eggs? Thanks
Hi Patara,
I have 2 broody hens that work as a team. They hatched a chick in the spring and then raised him together. They just hatched another chick a week ago. I hope this one is a hen. My question is how do you keep multiple roosters together. I now have 11 hens and 2 roosters plus the new chick. I really hate parting with the young rooster from the spring but my roosters are starting to fuss with each other. What is the magic of keeping more than 1 rooster. I see it on YouTube all the time, but I don't know how you all are doing it without one of them getting hurt. Thanks so much for any advice you can give me. I also sent an email.
Mary Lou
I have a broody hen. I can’t break her and I can’t have more chicks right now. My rooster is just too much. He’s going to a new home tonight out on a farm. He’s too aggressive for our coop/run. I can’t even do chores hardly without a fight. I’m pretty sure one of my little ones I currently have is a boy so I’d rather keep him.
Talking about being successful! I know am blessed because if not I wouldn't have met someone who is as spectacular as expert Mrs Blossom Jefferson
thanks for the broody hen lessons
Yuck! We have been incuabting and hatching eggs for over 2 years now. (Middle child sells chicks.) We found out with this last batch why you need to candle a second time. On day 19-20 we had an egg explode (rotten). It was the worst thing we have ever smelled.
I have a Thousand Flower D'Uccle hen inside a brooder with some chicks and she is catching flies and feeding them to the chicks. Now the tiny little chicks are trying to catch them themselves. Funny to watch.
Back with you on my new channel
Very informative thank you
You bring back "fond" memories of chickens from my childhood. I'm going to be getting chickens soon. We're allowed 5 hens in our small city.
It's a must to have "Rooster bullets" for chicks in the egg…….. and a good broody hen!
How many times do we need to educate the "educated" city chaps?
Keep up the good content friend, Happy Trails!!!
Cat Control Lady.. Spade and Neuter Your husband and children.. sikkoo