March 25, 2025

VIDEO: 🐣 WHY You Need a Rooster-MORE on Broody Hens 🐣

Answering YOUR questions-why you need a rooster & more on broody hens.
Stay busy! ❤️ See you on the farm!
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~ Music by Epidemic Sound

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: 🐣 WHY You Need a Rooster-MORE on Broody Hens 🐣

  1. What do you feed them once the babies hatch? Does starter/grower hurt the mama hen? I have a standard cochin that hopefully will make a good mom. Love the these chick flicks!

  2. Great video. It's so funny that those of us who haven’t raised animals would think a female didn’t need a male to make babies. I know people who just had that aha moment in the last couple of years. Shows we don’t know nothing ‘bout birthing no babies.

  3. Patara!!! Please respond to a you tube channel called Redacted from the 21st, Natalie Morris talks about homesteaders & poor people as HOARDERS!!! She needs an education.

  4. Thank you for this information. Our son just got a entry level construction job and is looking for a dependable truck. We will use your advice in helping us to find an affordable dependable vehicle.

  5. Anyone have any crowing hens? I had an old hen that crowed every morning for years. She died a few weeks ago. Since then, my other 2, old hens have started crowing, as well. I have 4 young grandsons who think nothing of crowing hens. Lol Krazy!!

  6. Hi Patara,

    I have 2 broody hens that work as a team. They hatched a chick in the spring and then raised him together. They just hatched another chick a week ago. I hope this one is a hen. My question is how do you keep multiple roosters together. I now have 11 hens and 2 roosters plus the new chick. I really hate parting with the young rooster from the spring but my roosters are starting to fuss with each other. What is the magic of keeping more than 1 rooster. I see it on YouTube all the time, but I don't know how you all are doing it without one of them getting hurt. Thanks so much for any advice you can give me. I also sent an email.
    Mary Lou

  7. I have a broody hen. I can’t break her and I can’t have more chicks right now. My rooster is just too much. He’s going to a new home tonight out on a farm. He’s too aggressive for our coop/run. I can’t even do chores hardly without a fight. I’m pretty sure one of my little ones I currently have is a boy so I’d rather keep him.

  8. I have a Thousand Flower D'Uccle hen inside a brooder with some chicks and she is catching flies and feeding them to the chicks. Now the tiny little chicks are trying to catch them themselves. Funny to watch.

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