March 28, 2025

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Top 6 Mistakes Gardeners Make When Composting

  1. I don't have enough material to make a decent pile, plus I can't deal with the things piles attract and its so dry and hot here its a pain; so I just compost dead leaves in place every fall/winter and amend with manure. I pile up as much as I can and just leave it until Feb to plant, or plant my garlic in it in Oct.

  2. One big mistake people make is C/N ratio. You have to have green leaves like grass but you also have to have woody material. Just grass or one thing doesn't work well.
    One way to do it simply with grass and leaves a layer of grass a layer of leaves over and over until it is about 4 feet high. It will settle to 3 feet in a couple of days.

  3. Hi. I wanted to ask about your fig tree, did it ever produce figs? I bought one 3 years ago and it hasn’t produced any figs. This year, I got seeds at the end of summer, and now everything has died because of the cold. What am I doing wrong?

  4. There is 3 type of compost you can make: hot compost, cold compost and worm compost. Here we practice the 3 types for specific use. You actually don't need a big pile and that is where most people get discouraged. A small worm bin well managed will give you the most satisfying compost. You can even compost in containers no equipment is really needed.

    The only secret is practice practice practice and practice, learn from your experience and enjoy.

  5. #6.. clarification question. This has been my burning question for years !!! We are constantly creating yard waste , pulling out and replanting garden beds and creating kitchen waste. Can you keep adding to your second pile while your first pile is concentrating on composting? How do you manage daily/ weekly organic matter while composting effectively? In the video it sounded like you're creating one big pile 3x a year.

  6. Thanks Luke for making this video! My question is where to set up my compost pile, the full sun, part sun, part shade, or full shade location of my garden. Or location doesn’t matter very much? This video answered questions I always had about composting — whether it’s ok to add new material, how to know the correct amount of moisture, ideal size of the pile, how often to turn, how long does it take to finish composting. Very helpful!

  7. I go with about 2 thirds browns and one third green because I add urine every few days for moisture and this really ups the nitrogen content. Also adds nutrients and minerals. Add a shovel full of garden soil to each layer also. It helps a ton with moisture retention.

  8. Another thing that helps is to have as many different compost piles as possible. That way you can have some that don't require flipping and can just slow compost. I keep a couple that I turn but most just compost on their own.

  9. I built 2 bays out of 7 pallets, side by side. 2 for back, 2 for each side, and one in the center. I put slats of wood on top of each side going from back center to front sides to hold them steady. I put all my scraps from winter into trash cans outside my back door. In the spring I empty those into one side, then any card board n grass clippings for awhile, including leaves n flip it all together. Takes mine about 2 months. While its decomposing I start the second side. Grass n kitchen/paper stuff daily for that time n flip occasionally. When I use the 1st side. I stop adding to the "new side n let that decompose while I start putting new stuff into the first side. It took me a year of practicing n building up piles to actually get the system going good. I live alone so I wish I had a way to get more into them.

  10. I did a big compost pile last year for the 1st time and I made all of these mistakes! It took about a year but I finally had compost. Try and try again I say!

  11. Aerobic is with Oxygen, and Anaerobic is without Oxygen.
    Basically a well aerated compost pile is either turned often, or, has enough variety that allows it NOT to compact.
    If it is a giant pile of a foot thick grass clippings, it will matte together, compact, and block all oxygen, and become anaerobic. It will still break down eventually, but slow the process, maybe for more months than you want.

  12. Thanks for the information. I am new at this and recently subscribed. The reason I subbed you is because all the vids I have watched have helped me learn. Since I am 80 I need to learn FAST. Lol

  13. I just learned how to bowfish, and thinking of using the fish I catch as fertilizer whats your stance on using fish in addition with dead vegetation as composite/fertilizer for gardening in 2023 if I barrier it to now would be ready around that February / March, oh is there anything else to barrier with the fish to help it break down the barrier fish?

  14. Having done quite a bit of research about composting this season I have to say that this video is the best video I have seen about this subject. I appreciate your simple break down.

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