March 24, 2025

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: My Honest Fears and Concerns About Food Security & Using My Garden to Prepare

  1. I always enjoy your videos. You always remind me why I garden in the first place, for the sheer joy of feeding my family delicious and healthy veggies. It's hard living in a where everyone seems so detached. In the garden EVERYONES is there for the same thing. That cohesion makes for a happy garden.

  2. theres that incredible wisdom shining through again! a very much appreciated message as always!

    I am indeed getting one of my friends into gardening as well. Matter of fact i just divided up my chives and oregano and mailed a little bit of those off to her to plant to be able to enjoy next year!

  3. this was very beautiful. the fear mongering really gets to me. i'm just somebody who buys from my local farmers and preserves that, but absolutely share most of the viewpoints you shared here. we need that positivity and redemptive hope.

  4. I love this Good News according to Luke. There is such a lovely spirit of Wisdom here, it's like sitting with my favorite teacher, listening and absorbing anew. I wish I were there to help you in the harvest! But watch out for those Aji Limon chiles. They pack a wallop!

  5. Thank you Luke!!! It’s just nice to hear someone enjoying their garden without the whole doomsday situation. Just enjoy your garden and the peace of getting your hands in the dirt.

  6. Learn your wild edible plants. Learn your native plants that produce food for you. Example of Wild Edibles: Dandelions, Purslane, Wood Sorrel, Chickweed, Common Mallow, Mustard and many others.

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