June 10, 2024

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Garlic Life Cycle #shorts

  1. Each year I intend to add one extra raised bed for garlic – this year am at 4 raised beds!!
    Hoping for another decent harvest.
    Mulched again, as you advise – didnt before. So hoping for some garlictastic action next summer!

  2. Now I know why my garlic never seems to ripen of the right time. I'm is S. Calif, if I plant it in fall, like they tell yout to, is ready to harvest in Spring. I've always left it in the ground too long.

  3. Hey is it true that if you trim your garlic blades they will create bigger bulbs?? And how much do you plant in order to get enough to put back into the ground for the following years harvest?

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