Tired of waiting for your compost to be ready? It can sometimes take years…
unless you know these tricks of the trade which will rapidly increase the speed of your composting, so that you can make lots of compost FAST!
In this week’s episode, Ben explains how composting works and demonstrates how to go about it the best way to get the results you desire as well as building a basic compost heap that you can make for free!
More compost = More plants = More food!
For more videos on composting, watch these next:
How to Make a Compost Bin from Pallets
Supercharge Your Compost Heap
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Brown cardboard around the edges also helps keep moist and keeps it all in and insulated to keep bit more heat in too. If that helps anyone
Definitely give the compost pile a golden shower whenever nature calls while I am in the garden.
Great video as always. how do you know when it's ready to harvest the compost? Mine has a few lumps of food not broken down, but has been in the pile for months. It's turned once a month.
My husband pees on our compost, I didn't know it was good for it, thought he was just being ridiculous! :0)
I love watching your videos. Even the subject of the video is something i already know i still watch it again. Thank you!
I definitely pee in my compost more than I do in my toilet.
Instead of compost what is your view on chop and drop?
Been watching your channel with my granddaughter in the evenings-really enjoy your knowledge, advice and your witt. Thank you for sharing.
I am wondering, I have an older trash can about 50 gal- would I be able to use it for composting and do I have to put drain holes into the bottom-much obliged for your response.
I don't really have access to green materials to compost. I do have plenty of dry leaves. What can I do with them? I heard they can be just stuffed underwater and left to rot.
I poop in my compost, as I am vegan. Plenty of browns.
I have aparently banana trees that i am chopping up into my piles but i have to.use a heavy full size meat cleaver to hack them up
How do you deal with the rodents a compost pile will attract or is that not a problem?
Can I use also the part of the cardboard that has prints on it (like QR codes or lines or the amazon smile)?
I have only recently found your channel, you are such a joy to watch
always so cheerful and inspiring. I have a hot bin, which I don't seem to be able to keep hot! I shall keep going with it though of course and not give up at this challenge. I gardened a lot before children but am getting back to it now that they are older. I did well last year, my little 8mx5m garden faces west but half is in shade, but I know I will keep improving year on year, we learn and grow with our gardens!
yo who up pissin in their compost
Well Explain and Interesting
Thank you for the informative video!
Guinea pig poop also makes a great winter mulch
Plus one for the horse poo. Any stable will be more than happy to let you have all you can carry.
Can I use my dogs shit in there? Serious questions.
Seeing what you put in it changed how I feel about that huge "sweet" whiff you took at the start.
06:55 are they beneficial microorganisms? I've got loads of them in my graden
Nice sir