June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Tips For Winter Composting

Composting In The Winter Can Be Tricky! As the temperature drops, so too does the efficiency and speed of our compost piles. In extreme winters, your compost pile can actually freeze solid, and stop completely.

Of course, this is just fine because when the spring thaw happens, the compost resumes breaking down as microbial activity comes back to life.

But what if we wanted to keep our piles humming along all winter? Is there anything we can do to mitigate the harsh realities of the cold? Well, yes there is. Today, I got 6 things you can do to prepare your compost for winter so that even if the rest of your garden has gone completely dormant, your piles can keep working, doing there thing!

Hey, for those that don’t know, the website is now live! Check it out here, there’s going to be some exciting new things happening!: https://theripetomatofarms.ca/

2022 is the Year of the Garden! We deserve it after the last little while, and growing our own food and self sufficiency is just the reward we need to get back on track!

For more information on all your gardening questions, check out my other videos!:

Growing Container Garlic: https://youtu.be/8vDWcku-xRk
Planting Strawberries: https://youtu.be/r-im8w7VOJQ
How To Grow Potatoes – The Definitive Guide: https://youtu.be/6Fv2yFdV4p8
Harvesting Garlic: https://youtu.be/A9qUN_FSCjg
Fertilizing Peppers: https://youtu.be/LbxevyTIBgo
DIY Safe and Natural Aphid Spray: https://youtu.be/LJTK8jk7g1k
Garlic Spacing Experiment: https://youtu.be/tlXJA7w4JNw
How To Grow Strawberries!: https://youtu.be/T6-s7NomNTY
Fertilizing Strawberries: https://youtu.be/vZdsdcWCdOw
How To Grow Garlic: https://youtu.be/UgbWxSqpqws
Baking Soda Aphid and Insect Spray: https://youtu.be/320D-41xt-M
6 Benefits Of Hydrogen Peroxide!: https://youtu.be/jU4N5PLKX7M
Pruning Pepper Plants Experiment!: https://youtu.be/s6jh_tcMfVw
Direct Seeding vs Starter Plant: https://youtu.be/TQWWtQu-r9U
100% Germination?: https://youtu.be/FqZ8tFrhWv0
Seed Starting Soil: https://youtu.be/OlLHCtHI6JY
Seed Starting 101, The Basics!: https://youtu.be/bRWac1OpxPY
Starting Tomato Seeds: https://youtu.be/qlEp0iDfB-k
Starting Pepper Seeds: https://youtu.be/mNqS1FpPWW8
Starting Cucumber Seeds: https://youtu.be/7aWeBavfubE
Starting Zucchini Seeds: https://youtu.be/LgHKLftASTQ
Starting Corn Seeds: https://youtu.be/2t2A2ZrdZ3k
Starting Pumpkin Seeds: https://youtu.be/kT_WR0e2EjI
DIY Ultimate Potting Mix: https://youtu.be/cP-7_7YT9jk

If you’re just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn’t cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

pH/Water/Light Meter

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3yafmrV
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3OKRW30
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3nvEIM4

Composting Tumbler!

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39CgtYw
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/39Dha49
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3yLsKVf

Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3jsNIyk
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YZhFwx
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3qapNql

Hand Pruners:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2YSIFxP
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3q3Oftq
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2YR3Xf8

Watering Can:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39U4nIc
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YR3p94
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3oX7hAa

Spray Gun:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aBxijm
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3aL7UHS
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ruol1Z

Gardening Gloves:

Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2Lt6ZDx
Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3tzJ32t
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3jpf1cU

#compost #composting #permaculture

20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tips For Winter Composting

  1. If you're just starting out gardening in 2022, please check out my Amazon Affiliate links below to get the right tools for the job! It doesn't cost you a cent, but this channel receives a small incentive for any items purchase through Amazon. Happy Gardening!

    pH/Water/Light Meter

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3yafmrV

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3OKRW30

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3nvEIM4

    Composting Tumbler!

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39CgtYw

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/39Dha49

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3yLsKVf

    Handy 12-piece Garden Tool Set!:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3jsNIyk

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YZhFwx

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3qapNql

    Hand Pruners:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2YSIFxP

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3q3Oftq

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2YR3Xf8

    Watering Can:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/39U4nIc

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/2YR3p94

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3oX7hAa

    Spray Gun:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3aBxijm

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3aL7UHS

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ruol1Z

    Gardening Gloves:

    Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/2Lt6ZDx

    Amazon USA: https://amzn.to/3tzJ32t

    Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3jpf1cU

  2. I just finally got enough material to make a decent compost. Drought, cold (less than 10°C until June) spring, and multiple plants just doing not much of anything. Leaves finally starting to fall, I gave up on most of the plants, cut them down, made these into compost instead. I got maybe a handful of ripe tomatoes, no peppers even though they were started in February.
    Next year.

  3. On the Prairies I can remember one time composting until New Year's. We didn't get any snow until Christmas Eve and the temps didn't drop to -35 at all. I think it was about 25 years ago. One thing about keeping the moisture levels up is that the critters are not going to make a home in your system.
    I am okay with my piles freezing solid in fact I embrace it. That freeze thaw cycle works wonders on those fibrous materials.
    If there is a concern about "layering" your piles, just start putting the browns in the same bucket as the greens. I have a bunch of old 5 gal. pails and I make sure to fill a few with leaves or Scot's Pine needles. I just throw a couple handfuls of leaves every time I put greens in the pail to go out to the system.

  4. Hey Jeff, can I leave my young raspberry and blueberry plants in their fabric bags for winter here on Long island or do I need to get them in the ground, then plant in spring. Time is of the essence I'm sure. Thx Tim

  5. Thanks again Jeff. I have a tumbler composter bin, so will add the leaves etc and not turn it as often. It is also not in the best position regarding getting warm. Will cover the bin with some garden fleece when winter strikes. Love your videos. Maggie

  6. Because I live in Snotland USA, I can't have one of those nice big compost piles–considered too unsightly for the neighbors; so I'm stuck using a tumbler. My tumbler usually just freezes up in the winter, but without all the garden waste, and only adding kitchen scraps, I usually have enough room for the additions. I'd love to hear suggestions on using a tumbler. I just have a fairly cheap one that isn't insulated.

  7. just pee on it a few times during cold weather… pee is warm and nitrogen rich, kickstarting the microbes again if the went dormant and it adds moisture…. (I am semi joking…. I mean pee/manure is realy great but not everyone wants to pee on their food's food)

  8. Thanks Jeff! All great info! Interesting thought about NOT turning the compost in winter. Makes total sense!! Cold and even a bit of snow has hit here in Eastern Washington State, but I think I have gotten a good start on a second compost pile, so far. I still need to add a bunch of leaves, but not many have fallen yet. Have a wonderful day!

  9. Jeff thanks for all the well done videos. It's been a bit but I have been so busy harvesting and preserving I haven't had time to say thank you.

    Happy belated Thanksgiving

  10. I'm trying the aluminum can tea this year. I got a bunch of them last year after learning about Faraday cages for electronics in EMP. Used them for chicken feed. then two separate litters of hens were lost and now two of the cans are filled with weed/garden mess greens, the usual recommended food scraps covered with water stick nearby for a weekly stir. Flngers crossed!

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