March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Growing Garlic 101 (And the best way to get ZERO harvest) | VLOG

Blog post with written information on planting garlic:

Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm

Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.

There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Growing Garlic 101 (And the best way to get ZERO harvest) | VLOG

  1. Oh no, I planted the little garlic cloves too. Now it's too late, but I'm glad to know that for the next year. I looking forward what the garlic do in the winter and spring and hope to harvest nice garlic next summer. Thanks Jess for all this nice tipps.

  2. Zone 6 here, I planted garlic during a January thaw and the cloves turned out fine, maybe a tad smaller than normal but enough to keep my harvest going. I have not bought garlic for six years I grow enough to use for a year and enough to plant for the year. I wasn’t gonna plant my garlic that year, but like Jess said the only way to guarantee a zero harvest is to not plant it at all.

  3. I've never gotten large heads of garlic, despite the fact that I harvest the scspes as soon as they form. However, it is definitely still worth planting! I cook a lot with garlic,and the variety I like (Chesnok Red) is so flavorful! I just plant lots of cloves to make up for the smaller heads.

    I hope Ben feels better soon,Jess!

  4. I am in Southeast Texas and found an old homestead with garlic blooming all over the place. I pulled some of it up and planted it that fall. That was three years ago. And I am still growing that garlic. It does much better for me than soft neck garlic. It also makes corms which will grow into a head of garlic on year 2.

  5. I just thank you for this video. My garlic has been sitting on my kitchen counter for weeks now and I almost missed my garlic planting window. Your video was the nudge I needed so I went right out and did it. Found the soil was already starting to freeze but my Dibber helped a lot. It's done now. Time will tell! Thanks Jess!

  6. Living in the deep south soft neck or hard neck garlic doesn't do well here, but I've found elephant garlic does very well. If you leave the croms in the soil they will grow a new bulb but it takes a couple years. It's not a true garlic, it's actually in the leek family but has a good garlic flavor. If you're going to regrow the croms, you will need to use a designated space where you won't be planting anything else.

  7. I’ve had an issue where I try to store my hard neck garlic to plant as seed garlic the next fall but every time by the fall my garlic is so dedicated it doesn’t seem plantable.. advice anyone?

  8. I just planted the last of my garlic last week. I again planted 2 year old seed garlic and that is iffy but we will see. I also got 3 big fat California White Gilroy soft neck bulbs that are fresh and from the supermarket produce department as food, for $0.55 per pound. I bet I get good cloves from this batch which I happily planted in larger shallow flower pots and planter boxes.

  9. My Garlic made it from a local grower in Twisp Washington in the mail, the next day we got 5 inches of snow in Manson, WA Zone 6B and then I went out back to my pots I prepared and they are frozen with snow on top, I am hoping by time I finish this vlog you will tell me to go ahead and plant them in the the pot! Jess please send me your positive mojo! Hugs, Heidi

  10. Thanks for the encouraging reminder! Just harvested our broccoli and brussel sprouts after our first snow, came in and saw my seed garlic that I had not gotten in the ground. I know what I am doing this week!

  11. Hard neck are noticeably easier to peel, so I grow hard neck to peel and dehydrate or freeze dry for grinding to garlic powder, and grow soft neck to store as whole heads since they store better.

  12. I'm planting my garlic today, so this was a perfect reminder on the technique. We've had a really warm fall, so I've been waiting on the weather getting colder and this week looks like it will be it.

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