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I have 3 barn cats. Samuel Adams was an inside cat until Thelma and Louise joined the family. The girls were born to a barn cat and outside is where they want to be (brought them inside the first winter and they would run outside every chance they got). Samuel wanted to be with them, so he now lives outside too. They get dry food bowls filled up daily and a can of wet food split 3 ways. They have many places to sleep comfortably and they have pressure activated warming pads for cold nights if they choose. They repay me with gifts left by the front and back door daily. Barn cats are a huge asset on a homestead. They do not bother the chickens, they hunt mice that hide under the coop.
I agree with you Patara. Cats will kill mice, no matter what. My cat was fed and taken care of, but was still a mighty hunter. Thank God you take such good care of your beautiful kitties….it shows how much you love them.
Do you have any idea how to introduce Pyrenees to chicken? I just got silkies
first time chicken mom.
Feed those babies. Ginger is so pretty
I have 2 indoor and 2 outside walk on cats. They are all fed, have shelter and bedding, get treats, and get loved on. The outside cats have brought me mice, lizards, birds, a small snake, and a rat. They get fed morning and night, but just like to hunt. I wouldn’t even think of not feeding them.
I've had all kinds of cats over nearly 55 years and cats will hunt full belly or not. My boys have drug in mice, chipmunks, snakes ("Put that thing down outside, Cotton!") and in Florida, lizards. You're so right Patara. I can tell how well you have taken care of them by their coats which can only be achieved by a healthy diet with vitamins.
Barn cats are serial killers it doesn't matter how much you feed .they kill for the sake of the hunt and the kill.
A well fed cat is the best hunter!
Lol…. Cats
My son's cat brought a wild rabbit through the doggie door and let it go. Lol
I need a kitty for the mice in my garage. I just don't like cats inside. But I like mice alot less.
in case cat food is scarce order taurine powder to have on hand for feeding cats homemade cat food it is necessary for their health i have a jar of the powdered taurine
you are 100% correct!!!!!!! Thank you.
Love your barn cats.
Love the barn cats, the cats need to stay healthy to hunt, don't listen to critics.
Some ppl are jus Idiot's!!!
I have barn cats n they get dry n canned daily… They can't catch enough daily to live.
You are right Patera. Anyone that does not feed and look after their animals should not have any. We have 3 cats that go outdoors but are in the house at night. We don't have a barn, just coops for poultry. The cats are well fed but still catch mice and other rodents on a regular basis. During the winter they catch the mice that sneak in the open door when we replenish our firewood.
I agree Patara, if you don't want to take of them, don't get them! Everyone needs someone to take care of them, including your animals. Sometimes I wonder where people's brains are at. Bless you
I just rescued 2 baby kittens ( roughly 2 months old) I can't keep them in the house but thought I could make them my barn kitties. How long did you leave yours in the kennel? I don't have any guardian dogs. I have 2 horses, 30 plus chickens and 2 goats. Each in separate areas of the barn
You guys are the coolest. I admire the love you guys show your homestead!
Ok I had cats for 40 years, a hungry, skinny, weak cat may hunt,but not well. Cats hunt for food and for sport. Please feed your barn cats so they have the strength to hunt and keep your farms/houses Vermont free.
Love seeing those barn kitties!
Yeah for blanche and her babies
The kitties are so beautiful. I love barn kitty babies. They always smell like fresh hay.