March 6, 2025

VIDEO: 💥 When You Least Expect It 💥

This lifestyle is not normal! It requires commitment to handle adversity when it pops up.
🧡 See you on the farm! 11~26~2022
~ All American 921 Canner:
~ Lodge Cast Iron Griddle:
~ Kwik Cut Biscuit Cutter:

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PO Box 24501
Farragut, TN 37933

~ Music by Epidemic Sound

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: 💥 When You Least Expect It 💥

  1. BWAHAHAHAHAHA…. Brought back some “crazy times” memories. I had always had dogs/cats/horses and gotten through,learning as I went.
    T H E N…. I bought my first 2 goats. Whew….difficult kiddings,
    Mastitis,bloat,you name it,I did it.
    Had a large FaceBook group pertaining to goats……we,(group
    and I) learned something new almost daily.
    After a friend lost her doe and the 3 kids she was carrying because she couldn’t turn the doeling that was blocking the birth canal, I contacted several Vet’s That were knowledgeable about goats. I asked the question “is it possible to do an episiotomy on a goat?”
    Keeping in mind these were all vets that worked with goats frequently. A lot of vets don’t have a clue about a goat,they just go by what they learned in the two days they covered goats in school.
    The exact question I asked was, “if I can’t get the kid turned and I’ve tried everything I know, her death is eminent if something doesn’t give, can I do an episiotomy???
    ((((( I am NOT giving advise here)))))
    Six out of eight said yes. But with the knowledge that it may not help, then you have to deal with getting sutures or staples placed in.
    I never had to do it, ended up having to sell my goats because of health reasons. I guess I told the story just to back up Patera. When you first start out you’re terrified to do anything that you’re not accustomed to doing. As the years roll on,it it isn’t that outrageous to think of a couple of sutures. I had a medicine cabinet that would rival a pharmacy where those goats were concerned I had all kinds of vitamins and all kinds of antibiotics,pain meds,meds to induce labor. I have to admit because I am an RN,simple things didn’t bother me. But there are some things that are just terrifying. At least three times in 10 years I had to put a tube down into the stomach to give medications and fluids.
    Take heart folks, the more you learn,the better husbandman/livestock owner you become❤️

  2. While watching you, when you turned to see Bell, I see what looks like a flashlight. It looks like it turns on n off. Might not be anything.. take a look..

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