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Is there a treatment from older times????
Best wishes for ya both!
Praying for Bell & y'all ♡
Praying for Miss Belle! Praying for you and your family. We don't have the farm you have (only 12 1/2 acres) but do have bunnies, donkey, cats, dogs. Always something.
Could be a snake bite. I had a dog that had a huge swollen area from a snake bite. It was the size of a baseball.The vet put the dog on antibiotics.
I'm a dumpster diver. Today hot the jack pot. My local store. I got 4 cases of meat still frozen and never open. Case of steaks rubs chicken. Pet smart got 2 50 pound bags of dog food. Be safe all.
It's stressful isn't it. That's farming though.
PATARA- Next NewsNetwork put out a video on One world government. A British elite was one of the first to have chip implanted in his right hand to identify him and use as his debit card. To control things. He said I no longer have to carry a wallet. We know what this means.
I worked on a dairy farm and occasionally we had a cow develop mastitis in one quarter, one girl lost one quarter ( vet literally removed insides of that quarter) to keep her from continuing to develop mastitis 8n that quarter. She was still an amazing producer even on three quarters.
Thank you for sharing.
Having animals is a blessing and some times a curse. Processing an animal for food is one thing, losing an animal due to sickness is heartbreaking! Praying for Belle Patara!!
Hope Belle feels better soon.
Hope Belle is improved and on the road to recovery.
We milked cows for many years and sometimes they need a sulfa IV if its a staph infection. hope your treatment helps.
Watch what your vet uses so you can do yourself. Learning to IV is very important, my vet was kind enough to show me.
You are sooo good at this! Important stuff! Glad she’s doing better! Turkey eggs hatch???
Bless her heart and yours too. Hope all goes good.
special prayer for MS. Bell
Prayers for Ms. Bell
My husband grew up on a dairy farm and he said that cows can get mastitis when bacteria gets up into the tete, as well. Not near as common when they are not being milked, but does happen. I love that you care about your animals so much!!
Praying Belle gets well soon. I have had mastitis years ago. It hurts badly!