December 22, 2024

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: I grew the world's most expensive spice

  1. you have to pick flower earlier in the day (almost before sunrise) before it open to keep amazing odor. We used to grow it here in Iran, but not anymore in our fields.

  2. My mom still has boxes of saffron in Spain from the 70s and 80s and she still uses them lol You can find them in any supermarket in Spain. It's expensive per kilo but you get grams in a box that lasts years so it's actually cheap.

  3. So the bulb splits by two and each bulb gives maybe three soo by 10 or 11 generations assuming the bulbs dont die off by some disease….you'll have abt 2.5 or 3k stigma. That's probably the most ill use hs math in this decade

  4. I planted some last Jan. They grew leaves, but no flowers. They went dormant, now they're growing, but no flowers yet. They're inside under lights cos I'm in the Midwest. Hope I get flowers soon

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