June 9, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: My livestreams are all coming down off YouTube. If you want the gravy this is what you need to know.

  1. Some folks will stream YT and rumble for say 20-30 minutes, and then encourage folks to migrate over for the remainder. This way reach and a partial archive is available, and an on-ramp to a free speech platform can host the meat of the content. Have you considered that hybrid approach?

  2. Hi Curtis, A bit about gravy. I assume you know, (as I have learned in videos), that the CCP requires you the Tic Toc video publisher to give them access to all your peripherals, and even the devices around you. It seems like a real security threat. Back in February 2019, I saw ideo of Wuhan, men in gowns, masks, and gloves, with assault rifles. Cut to people running, mob formation, run by a dead body on the sidewalk. I published the link, and the notepad that I had stored the link was erased, every note.
    I was getting notifications of videos either an hour before, or some have come after. I got the message if the monthly date, next one on the Winter Solstice, December 21. I'll see you there.
    For some reason I thought I had been opening the link, and finding myself on Zoom. Best to you and yours, Merry Christmas, Tom

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