Want to make your gardening jobs easier? Want to save time and find short cuts? Well this video is for you, our muddy-fingered friend! In this week. Ben reveals 10 of his best hacks to lighten your gardening load and help ensure you success in your garden, including some not-so-obvious lightbulb moments. It’s short and sweet this week. Let’s get growing!
For more ah-ha tips and tricks from Ben, check out our other hack-tastic videos:
10 Clever Hacks for Plastic Bottles in the Garden
My Top 10 Time Saving Tips Revealed
My Top Tricks of the Trade Revealed
And for more on sharpening tools, see:
How To Sharpen Garden Tools: Make Life Easy!
If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…
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Brilliant tips! Thank you!
The best gardening channel, hands down
Thanks for the tips
I agree with you, you can never have too much herbs, makes great seasoning and flavours.
Hi love your enthusiasm. I use my ride on mower which has a catcher to pick up all the leaves. I drive over the leaves and then cut some grass, I get it all mixed up that way so I can dump it directly into the compost bins.
You make the ordinary so much fun. Great video!
I made two large garden kneelers out of two old Dunlopillo's (the bouncy ones) that were destined for the tip and some deckchair canvas I had. Fitted them with a carrying handle. They hang up in the garage when not in use.
My problem is waiting… I'm so impatient for spring. Lol
My wife is a rock hound. Large ones make excellent hose guides.
I find my greenhouse gets very damp and it causes horrible damp soil that builds grime. Have you any tips on how to keep a greenhouse good?
Sow by dates. Biggest con in gardening.
Watch The green valley they were farming the same as in 1600s time of the stuart's.
They grew a crop of peas from the period ( over 400 yrs old).
Had almost 95% germination rate.
So now i never throw seeds away..
I actually grew peas on a twisted tree root last year. Didn’t work as well as a trellis, but it definitely worked! If I had a longer stick with lots of small branches it probably would have worked better.
Love the channel. I am so glad you stressed the importance of knee pads. Upright, we enjoy the shock absorption provided by our toes, foot bones, ankles, and knees. When on our knees, however, we are driving the forces from our weighted movements into our hip joints directly, risking the damage or destruction of the very delicate blood supply to our hip bones. This is partly the reason for so many hip joint replacement surgeries.
Love your videos, thanks for all the tips. I noticed you have a compost pile nestled in between trees. Wondering how you stop the roots from infiltrating your compost pile. I had set up a couple of bins in my backyard, not so close to trees as yours are, but I inevitably have tons of various roots growing at the bottom of my bins preventing me from using the compost. Any suggestions?
I love your metal plant tags! My husband has started making me mini shepherd hooks in his blacksmith shop! But I was using pottery tags, but I like the duality the shiny metal tags would provide, as their flicker might scare off pests
I have spray painted the handles of all my tools a vibrant turquoise so they are easy to find in the garden, but more importantly easier to spot when loaned out so things actually make it back to me.
I cut toilet paper rolls in half and use them to Mark where I have seeds planted. I just pushed the toilet paper roll into the soil a little bit so it won't move, and plant the seed in the middle.
For the seeds that you tested if they will germinate, can you just put the germinated seeds in the soil right after? Thanks
Like Diane, I store all my seed and growing info in a spreadsheet and add/subtract entries each year as needed so I have an annual record. Included are the seed packet info (source, sowing info for each season, # seeds left), transplanting, thinning, fertilizing, watering, pest/disease info relevant to my garden (when to add row covers, etc.), harvesting info (size, timing). These feed into another spreadhseet where I can show what's in each location by time (horiz axis) and see a snapshot of the entire year's crop layout by location (vert axis). It's a handy complement to the GrowVeg maps. Thank you so much for the wonderful videos, we always enjoy them.
OMG that sexy slow motion of you oiling your shovel had me laughing.
Great video Ben. Thanks for sharing.
4:30 Granddad used to pour motor oil in the sand bucket to oil them at the same time.
I love garden