Read more and get links to some of my favorite from-scratch recipes on the BLOG:
Part 1 of the series – Kitchen Tools for the Homestead Kitchen:
Hey ya’ll, I’m Jess from Roots & Refuge Farm
Welcome to a place that feels like home. A small farm with a big family. We hope you’ll pull up a chair, grab some coffee and visit awhile.
There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that is exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we’ve learned along the way. Welcome to our journey, friend. I am so glad you’re here.
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PRODUCTS WE LOVE – You’ve probably heard me talk about these things a million times, so here’s where you can order them (and get a discount with my code!):
– Greenstalk Vertical Gardens (Use code “ROOTS10” for $10 off your order):
– Squizito Tasting Room (Use code “ROOTS” for 10% off your order):
– ButcherBox:
– Growers Solution:
#rootsandrefuge #homesteading #gardening
Your voice could not have come at a more crucial time! God bless you,
I can’t cook… but I desire to learn.
I love all the foods!
I was watching this while I make a little breakfast. I'm a trucker that will be retiring to a homestead this autumn… had to check the labels! Boiled egg… egg. Peperocini… okay, too. Jalapeño stuffed olives… perfect. And water from a pure source near my home. Golden. Not feeling guilty, but I'm sure looking forward to growing and cooking what we eat!
I could use some growth in the area of joy of cooking from scratch. Even more, I need to learn to love cleaning the kitchen so that I'm not super frustrated when I cook.
Really helpful video, thanks. It can get overwhelming when trying to eat healthy, so thanks for giving grace to make small changes to your viewers.
When I was younger I loved to cook, however things happened, now the joy is gone and no longer enjoyable.
It would be great to have that joy back.
The MRNA Vax is now being put into food like rice, potatoes, pork and beef. Gardening and learning to cook from scratch is a must.
Just catching up. I appreciate your real world common sense approach. Thanks for these posts/vlogs.
I love this and I’m all ears. Thank you!
I love Jess. She spoke to me, and what need to change for my family and showcmy daughter
6:47 – common ground – you rock girl.
I love that you are doing this! So many people think cooking real food (nutritious food) takes longer than its less nutrient counterparts. I think the biggest thing is planning. In my younger days I was a single mom with hectic work and kid's sport schedules. I struggled with planning but with practice, it gets better. Love your content! Just a suggestion on a collaboration: Becky at Acre Homestead would be a great collaboration I'd love to see!
My spirit animal! Thank you, Jess!!!!
Jess for president!!!!! The more I listen to this video, the more I love you.
Are there anymore in this series? I can’t find them.
So, I started with msgs as my first cut off. My next two goals are currently added sugars and seed oils. I’m struggling, but I’m slowly making my change. I’m glad there’s more people like you coming out and showing people like me who don’t video or talk to the world that it’s okay what we’re doing. Thank you always!
Oh YAY! I am a pretty decent from scratch cook, but I had such a blast watching your Thanksgiving cooking on Wilder Still that I was REALLY hoping you had some cook real food content!
"What is not welcome is the evangelism of your food opinions." Thank you! It's such a hard break in discussing food and cooking and so discouraging for new cooks. I'm feeling Michael Pollen so hard in this vlog. So happy to help anyone interesting in ANY kind of food prep!
YES!! Real Food!!
I love these videos! Cooking just goes hand in hand for me with gardening and learning to use the food I grow!
Yes!!!! Real food, not processed!!
I really enjoyed this series. I hope you do more. I would love to see a teaching on how to properly freeze. I try to freeze things like bananas and onions and my bananas always come out brown. I throw them in a ziplock bag. I will be growing beans this year and would love to learn how to freeze fruits and vegetables properly.
I love this series. Is there a part 3? I can’t find it.
Love this! When are your shirts going to be in stock? I checked after you first posted about it and each time I look, it says the shop is empty
I agree with you to eat whole foods that are healthy. My thought is If God created it, then ok………if man and company made it, probably not. My question is how is the ink in your arm such a healthy thing……….or is it not unhealthy.
I often feel guilty about how my brother ate before he died, he couldn't have salt and it didn't dawn on me to learn to can if I had he could have really enjoyed what he ate.
Choose to invest in learning to cook and have good food. We can do it.
Great overview and realistic.
I know it's irrelevant but how has your house held up? We're interested in doing the same and of course the negative reviews are louder and get more attention.