March 26, 2025

VIDEO: You Must Sow These Seeds in February

Winter getting you down? Can’t wait to get growing? In this week’s episode Ben warms our hearts with his selection of vegetables that you can start sowing in February.
You can feel really smug knowing that you’re getting a head start on the growing season and there’s a surprisingly wide variety to choose from. But what are they? Watch on to find out!

And keep an eye out for our upcoming video on seed starting for beginners, coming soon.

For more on successful seed sowing, watch this next:
Seed Starting Success:

Want to grow super-hot chili peppers? Then you’ll love this video:
HOT Tips for Growing Chili Peppers at Home:

For more on getting a head start and extending your growing season, check out this playlist:

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
and many more…

To receive more gardening videos subscribe to our channel here:

If you’ve noticed any pests or beneficial insects in your garden lately please report them to us at

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: You Must Sow These Seeds in February

  1. I do enjoy your videos. Thank you Ben. I have so many questions. I’m not clear whether seeds need to be in light or dark for germination. I have micro greens, cauliflower, onions leeks, tomatoes and more – all in trays – indoors as my outdoor beds are not ready. Anyway I don’t know whether I should put them in light or dark.
    Thank you for any advice.

  2. What temperature would you like before you plant out your brassicas? Here in Aurskog, Norway we've been prone to experience freak frost as late as july, but I know brassicas are quite hardy as well. Usually things are good after mid May, but you never know 🙁

  3. Him: It's February, start your seeds
    Me: Looks outside at snow storm and 20°F temps with wind chill in the teens.
    Yeah I'll get right on that…

  4. I wish I could just grow alliums like this still but leaf miner / onion root fly make it impossible now, even if you put enviromesh over there are usually enough in the soil to ruin much of the crop. I'm seeing if I can avoid the worst by starting them off in modules and pots in the greenhouse this year.

  5. PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY GARDEN PROBLEMS!!!! I have about given up on growing anything. I have a plot in a community garden where we have to collect rain water and water by hand. So it is very labor intensive.
    It is overridden with white and a tinge of pink morning glory, whose root system seems to be 20 ft deep when I try to pull them or dig them out. They strangle all my plants, and I don't know how to get rid of this problem. We tried spraying with what is allowed in this country, but with no success.
    My 50 varieties of tomato plants I planted from seed in new potting soil indoors and nursed them until ready to plant in the garden.
    The last 6 years in a row, they All developed blight on the leaves and stems turning black. When they are about ready to harvest, the ripe tomatoes they develop a black and whitish hard cancer looking spots.
    I have planted the tomatoes each year in a new location and have now run out of a new place to try growing them. IS THERE ANY HOPE???
    I live in Switzerland, and we seem to get a lot of rain so I even have put them under a protective overhead cover. I even tried growing some in 3 greenhouses with the same disappointing results. Can you please help me so I can actually have tomatoes to harvest this year.? I never have had trouble growing them over the last 40 years all over the different states I've lived at in the USA. I'm so frustrated putting money.time and energy into this with no reward.

    Please advise me on what you would do if you had these 2 problems.

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