March 28, 2025

VIDEO: How To Prune Fruit Trees – Peach, Apple, Fig and more

In this video I will demonstrate and explain how I’m pruning my backyard fruit trees two years after planting them. I’ll be pruning peach, nectiplum, aprium, apple, fig, pear, Jujube and more. I’ll also show some examples of last years pruning and the results of those pruning cuts.

For more information about this backyard orchard, please see my other backyard orchard videos following the full life cycle of these trees.

Complete Backyard Orchard Video Series:

Creating my Orchard (video 1):
How to Plant, Prune, and Irrigate Fruit Trees EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW

My Go-to Fruit Tree Fertilizer

The Pruners I Use:


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10% off IV Organics Tree Paint
Use Code: URBAN10


Music: Wandering Blues
Artists: Mid Knight Composers: Mid Knight
Audio source: Epidemic Sound
Adobe Stock Asset ID: #356991032

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Prune Fruit Trees – Peach, Apple, Fig and more

  1. I’m in a tree fruit production course through my university right now and these videos are by far the best comparison to a university level course. Keep up the good work.

  2. Watch a couple of your videos, I've learned a lot. I planted over 50 different fruit trees. Thought all I had to do was plant, give it good soil and put mulch down every year. Never thought I needed to prune. My trees look awful, not growing. In my first year, I lost half to the deep freeze 2 winter's ago, and I lost another half to drought. This winter, the deer ate another half. Down to 5 trees out 58. I got 7 that look alive that deer chewed in half. I'm going prune damage off. Maybe they make into bushe.
    Can I do a heavy pruning in April.
    I wasn't going to start over, but I decided to. I bought 10 more fruit trees this past weekend. Thought I'd watch some video and found your channel. Great videos.

  3. Great video, thank you. I put a one year old Damson tree whip in the ground February 2022 and headed it off about 2ft from the ground. It pushed out four scaffolds all in perfect postion to each other, N,E,S and W facing. The thing is the branches have all sprouted within a three or four inch section of the trunk. Do you think this will cause a weak spot as the tree ages? Keep up the good work, very informative.

  4. now after so much years of hardwork now you can compile a video for each tree with demonstration of result you have got over the years.. one special request for a pruning video of orange tree..

  5. Been enjoying watching the play list. Excited to see how these trees will be once you start transitioning out of the forming stages.

  6. Thea are all absolutely great videos. They refreshed a ton of stuff I learned from college. Do you have citrus? How would you prune those?

  7. I just watched the entire series so far and became a new subscriber. I have a healthy garden going at home and fruit trees are next.
    My question is, would you do the 6 foot spacing again, or up it to 7-8 feet?

  8. Hi. Thanks for the comprehensive videos. They’ve really helped me with my stone fruit, however I have a few citrus which I don’t really know how to prune. I’m struggling to find videos with good explanations on how to train and care for citrus. Any experience or advise?

  9. It is really helpful to watch the effect your earlier prunings have had. I just planted 6 trees that are young that will require pruning. I was really scared to cut them back like you did but after seeing how yours are going has given me the confidence to do so this winter.

  10. On the tip prune, you cut the branch back to the”outward facing bud”. What if below this outward facing bud, there is an inward facing bud, should I manually remove this inward facing bud? THANK YOU, YOU ARE THE BEST TEACHER ❤

  11. I just found your channel and accidentally watched all the fruit tree videos, lol.

    Something I plan on doing with my trees that perhaps would also interest you… cover cropping below the trees bot with a winter cover crop and summer cover crop.

    Could be of interest if you wanted to plant something between the trees

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