June 9, 2024

VIDEO: Winter Sowing: A CHEAP and EASY way to start seeds… OUTSIDE!

We typically start our vegetable seedlings in our unfinished basement, but what if you can’t afford grow lights, and none of your windows have enough sunlight? Or what if you don’t have that kind of space? Or don’t have the time to make paper pots? Maybe you always forget to water them, or find the hardening-off process stressful. Well if any of those situations sound familiar, then alternatively, you could just go ahead and start some of them outside, even in the snow.

Table of Contents:
Intro – 0:00
What is Winter Sowing? – 1:17
How to Winter Sow – 2:17
Benefits – 5:29
When to Winter Sow – 6:06

Other Youtubers on Winter Sowing:
Please check them out, and tell them we sent you 🙂

Growit Buildit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKXY6dl-5Tk
Little Garden on the Prairies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBLzuoZhsRBVSq8rpq34vVZwk4vMP4DDF
Esther’s Gardening Adventures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLguaVQqEAnIUkHd85gtfgoj4CX9JAILY0

24 thoughts on “VIDEO: Winter Sowing: A CHEAP and EASY way to start seeds… OUTSIDE!

  1. I have been winter sowing for the past three years with very good success. I’ll be honest. I’m truly in love with this method! I just want you to know that you can plant more than cold hardy vegetables, herbs and flowers. You can grow just about anything and everything with this method. I have had great success growing peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, pumpkins, sunflowers, etc. I think you can see my point. Warm climate plants love to be winter down too.

  2. Planting directly in the ground with the plastic over the top as a cloche allows the growing soil to maintain a better, more even temperature due to the buffering of the soil/earth/planet. Exposing a small amount of soil to temperature fluctuations above ground increases plant stress. And it’s just an unnecessary ticktock thing.

  3. This guy is just saying shyt, he doesn't do this , nobody ever does, don't show how to do stuff unless you can do it , the cartoons are not reality , you are fucking people up not helping

  4. Thank you for video! I’m going to try this today. It’s cold and we had a light snow today. I was hopeful spring was here, but as usual…surprise!!! Zone 5b Pennsylvania.

  5. Always enjoy it when there‘s a new video from you guys. I tried winter sowing for the first time this year, seeds germinated well. My only beef with the method is that one still has to do all the pricking/planting out. A Swedish woman, Sara Backmo on youtube, has videos where she winter sows directy in the beds instead of containers which eliminates the later fiddly work. And I don‘t have all those containers anyway as we don‘t‘ buy that kind of stuff. So next year I‘m going to try her method.

  6. I'll have to try this next year. Just one thought; hang on to the bottle caps; you may need to drill vent holes and put them back on to protect seedlings from slugs as spring really kicks in.

  7. Delighted to see you are still making great videos….I remember when you were living in the van! I pop on occassionally and it is happymaking to just hear your voice!

  8. I started lavender indoors without any cold stratification, and they came up well, so you're probably fine. I used winter sowing for most of my medicinal herbs this year, things like chamomile and feverfew, mugwort, angelica, marshmallow, calendula, skullcap, anise hyssop, echinacea, etc. Everything has germinated wonderfully, and they are growing on well. I will use this method every year, and am thinking of expanding it to vegetables next growing season.

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