March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Home Depot and Lowe's Garden Center Inventory April 2023

I shot this video on April 9th and now a couple of days later the temperatures are in the 80’s! We still have a danger of frost until May 15, but I’m going to have another look at the garden centers at the end of April and hopefully get some nice vegetable plants for a small garden this year. I miss my large garden in the old house, but I’ll have to build a new one here in this house. I hope you enjoy the video, thanks for watching!

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Home Depot and Lowe's Garden Center Inventory April 2023

  1. Our local Lowe's only had 4 racks of veggies but they did have lots of tomatoes, peppers and cold weather crops. They had one side of a rack of herbs but the majority was all kinds of flowers just like in your video. They seemed to be getting more and more mulch, soils and fertilizer instead of plants. Walmart had more variety of trees and shrubs. We're in zone 6b. If you wait too long you'll miss out on any stock they do have so I suggest you go now

  2. We are in So Cal and the same here at the homes depot. Didn't check Lowes but we were very surprised they didn't have more yet. Seems like the price at your stores are more than here. I started all my veggies from seeds this year, first time I've done that. Haven't put them in the ground yet. We are having very cool days right now. Happy spring!!

  3. Get seeds, grow your plants, save the suckers for overwinter. Keep them cut back and water less frequently. It's possible to keep them for the next year.
    Support your local greenhouses. They may be more expensive but will likely have more variety.
    I work at a top performing greenhouse and nursery in CO that supplies a very large portion of the rest of the US. We are seeing shortages like you wouldn't believe.

  4. Hi. Tikka. I was thinking of getting the blueberry bush you showed myself. Surprised there were not many seedlings out. The prises are definitely high especially this year.

  5. Every thing in gardening is so high. I make my own potting soil every year buying peat moss and perlite. The price now is triple . At 24 dollars for a bale now which was 11.00usd 3 years ago and perlite is really high. We also have low inventory of plants in our home depot . Our price for those tomatoes are 7.98 heh in south cali

  6. They can't blame covid THIS time. Here in Australia it's been the excuse for EVERYTHING. They claimed that mail was slow because of too much online shopping as they secretly fired 10% of postal workers but the news caught on to it and reported it.

  7. We're in Eastern NC. My hubby went to the local Lowes on April 21. He said there were hardly no veggie plants except for some almost dead ones. We went back the next afternoon and they had a new shipment in. Mostly tomatoes and peppers and a few herbs. A tremendous amount of flowers and empty shelves.
    Thanks for the vids.
    New subscriber.

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