I’ve been wanting to talk a bit about sustainability for quite some time. The term “Sustainable” has been bandied about and used as catchphrase to grab peoples attention but there is very little that is sustainable about most of the things I see being pushed. Yes, some of these things ARE good and have a place but they are NOT sustainable. I think this is going to be a small series of videos till I run out of breath. There is no way I could get everything I wanted to say in one video and I am sure I will need to clarify statements in the next video. Just trying to get people to return to a basic foundation, observe and analyze rather than just accept what someone tosses out with a catchphrase.
Sound bite taken from The Scream of Eagles of the Centennial movie series. It is used under the Fair Use Act for the purpose of instruction, yadayada. I make no money on my videos.
hey why don't you bite me! lol
Check this out -> http://www.pinterest.com/pin/513973376195499854/
Love your passion on this issue. It's funny – nothing should be more sustainable than growing food, but we've made it completely unsustainable. Great points!
Great vid ty!….Sustainability has become a buzzword over used by the insidious UN Agenda 21.
Word up J. The world just needs sheeple if your running the show. You know my thoughts about that crap.
When I think sustainable I think fruit & nut trees, grape vines, fruit bushes…….I try to add at least 10 new varieties every year to my property.
What I don't eat can feed the wild animals and those animals can give me great meat protein when I want it.
Good Video, for me wisdom is knowing how little I know
Aquaponics is another Jay.. Have seen loads of folks claim it to be sustainable, can't quite work that out..
On the farm we used buckets of clothes washing water in the toilet, just something you need to do when you rely on the sky for all your water needs..
Worm composting toilets is another issue folks are a bit to precious about I think.. The should be allowed in situations where folks have enough land to have a buffer zone from their neighbours as long as the worms needed can be sustained in that climate..
I agree completely.
Sustainable gardening = where you plant the seeds you saved from last year in ground that you fed with your own animal waste and compost bin.
I think sustainable as something you can build or create and or last at least your lifetime.
I don't know if one day if society as we know it will collapse but it will be good to know how to do things without the need of items you will not be able to purchase from a store.
Gardening without machinery, fertilizers other than what you make your self (compost, manure), hell even watering where will you get your water if you have no power?
There is so many old ways of doing things that most people (me included) have no clue how to do. I find a lot of those 100+ year old ways of life fascinating and important as you just never know if one day the plug will be pooled and things go wrong.
Definitely agree with you. As for composting toilets, we plan to use one if we build another small (tiny house) sized cabin on the property. I think they just make sense. Also, I am trying to plant as many perennials as possible like asparagus and saving seed. It's a good thing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.