September 28, 2024

VIDEO: 3 Strategies To Prep For Your Fall Garden

In this video, I give a primer on three different strategies or farm hacks that I use to start winding down my summer crops in preparation for the upcoming fall growing season.

Amazon Store:

Creating Fall Starters:

Quick Crop Turnaround:

3 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Strategies To Prep For Your Fall Garden

  1. I did my first round of clean-up & fall weeding last weekend, too. Our season is definitely winding down, nights have been dipping down to 45 F this week (7 C). We'll still get some more veggies before frost, but it's getting closer by the day!

    After that, my next crop will be leaves. I piled up 10 or 11 truckloads last fall….

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