September 28, 2024

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Soil & Diverse Cover Crops Part 6 Innovations

  1. Here is the big question. If you have diverse cover crops in a field how can you time it so that you crimp all the species at the correct time? If you don't kill off the vetch or whatever, they will continue to grow. Please explain this to me. Thank you.Are you relying on winter kill?

  2. When I planted my cover crop, I covered it with a thick layer of straw where I added chicken manure to help break down the straw. Would this cause the bacteria to no longer create nodules of nitrogen?

  3. Simply the best research ever I seen and when will see Ray Archuleta and other US Scientists be invited over here in Ireland and UK to improve soil structure and reduce flooding

  4. What a great video! I wish the farmers around here would take up this practice. They take out all the hedgerows and all the surrounding trees and leave the ground bare all winter. It's only a matter of time before we have a Dust Bowl.

  5. Where do we find the next video. I would like to figure out how to decide what kinds and just when to put down cover crops. Something else I was wondering about was how to choose a cover crop to be planted underneath the garden plants like tomatoes and cabbage family so the ground was kept covered. I enjoyed and learned from your videos, thank you for putting this out there.

  6. I'm in the sixth video of the series, amazed by so much knowledge! When I hear the mention of Dr. Ademir Calegari, my countryman here in Brazil! And that I had never heard of. Brazil is a country that does not value its researchers.

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