September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Basil In Containers – Complete Growing Guide

Basil is so easy to grow and everyone should try it. in this growing
guide I will show you just how easy it is to grow some of the best
basil with very little effort!
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Basil In Containers – Complete Growing Guide

  1. Thanks so much for the info! I'm starting my own apartment patio garden and I've been wondering how best to grow my basil. We have longer summers here in texas so I'm glad to know I should probably be watering this guy almost every day (it's hot af here)

  2. I took cuts of Thai Basil leaves from a friend's plant, brought them home & put them in a glass of water…now they're growing roots…..when is a good time to get the seedlings planted in dirt?

  3. any thoughts on Utah conditions, like low humidity environments, intense sun, and hIgh temps. I know it's mediteranean, but would you say there's any special or difficult considerations or actions that should be taken? as for watering. would you say use a well draining soil and lean on over watering. or add some soilmoist gel and lean on underwatering?

  4. What about if you have the pots out in the open and not sheltered under a roof, is it ok for the pots for be rained on or will this not work during periods of heavy rains? Can you address growing in pots out in the open? Thanks!

  5. I'd love some growing season tips on pruning to keep it from flowering. Mine pops with flowers and that changes the basil flavor. Also pest management: like should I use sevin? Or some other method to keep the bug beasties from chewing on my leaves?

  6. I know that this video was done two years ago, so I don't know if you will see this. But I want to know how to keep bugs away from my basil. I first started seeing little holes in the leaves. I didn't check my basil for about a week and when I did all the leaves were gone just the stems remained. What can I use to get rid of these bugs (I didn't see them, so I don't know what they are) and still be able to use the basil in cooking and in pesto's. Thank you

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